If you are preparing for the PTE Academic Test, here are some useful tips to develop targeted learning for successful results. The following steps are based on the suggestions of Benchmark PTE experts who have studied the best way to get ready for this exam.
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Create a routine
The famous American speaker and entrepreneur, Jim Rohn, once said, Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Motivation is the engine that propels your studies, but regular and routine practice are crucial to build your communication skills as you prepare for the PTE academic test and ultimately, a foreign working environment. If you make time for reading and listening practice on a routine basis, you will expand your range of vocabulary, improve your comprehension and you extend your breadth of knowledge. Moreover, scientific research shows that regular reading habits lead to a more successful standard of living and a better work-life balance. Listening exercises help to improve concentration and attention to detail. Some useful listening resources include BBC Learning English and TEDx talks. Improving your comprehension with result in a higher PTE score.
Communicate with English-speaking friends and family
Passive learning is useful; however, for a higher PTE academic score, it’s vital that you activate reading and listening skills with oral practice. Speaking English language with another person is extremely useful because you develop several skills: active listening, the spoken use of vocabulary and expressions in conversation, grammar formulation, pronunciation and intonation. Regular spoken practice helps you to overcome hesitation. If you speak for one hour in English two or three times every week, you will begin to notice that you can find new ways to express yourself. Moreover, dialogue with at least one other person helps you to catch new expressions and contracted sounds.
Keep it simple
Writing on a regular basis is a visual exercise that is essential for the development of your skills for the PTE essay section. If you don’t enjoy writing, just write short paragraphs with simple sentences. Next, try to create complex sentences with a conjunction or relative pronoun (who/which). Then, write a longer text, such as a letter to a friend or family member, to develop coherence and paragraphing.
When you finish writing a passage, read through your work, go back and replace repeated words with synonyms or new expressions. This habit will help you build your range of vocabulary and an enhanced PTE academic score.
Start a journal
As you prepare for the PTE academic test, writing in a diary or journal is a great way to practice your written literacy. You can start by writing about your day, your feelings and experiences. Write about present situations, past events and future plans to practice your range of tense. Write in a natural way and keep expression simple without slang or jargon.
Become a public speaker!
Many people think that they avoid speaking because they don’t know enough vocabulary. However, most people have enough language to speak at length, but a fear paralyses them from speaking out directly. For some people, this fear of speaking is intensified if they are expected to speak in front of other people. If you join a public speaking group such as Toastmasters, you will gain more self-assurance and develop eloquence with regular practice and support from comrades.
Build word families.
There are fun ways to prepare for the PTE academic test! Have you ever played Scrabble or other word games? There are lots of vocabulary games you can play with friends and family to help boost your range of words in a natural way. Create a notepad on your computer or phone where you can store new words. Moreover, create word families to expand your range of language. For example, the noun ‘heat’ can be transformed into the verb ‘preheat’, the noun ‘heater’ and the adjective ‘hot’. Compete with your friends to see who can make the most number of new words from the root word.
Establish a life-work balance
If you organize your time efficiently, you will be able to dedicate one hour or half hour per day to studying for the PTE academic test. Also, if you practice a sport or other mood-boosting activity, you will have more energy to learn and you will retain more information. Scientific research has shown that physical exercise enhances memorization skills which will ultimately result in a higher PTE score.