
All you need to do is write clearly, stay organized, and stay on topic to score 15 out of 15 in PTE Write Essay.Using big words or complicated lines is not required. We will talk about what the PTE wants from your essay, give you writing tips, and give you an example essay to help you understand what they want.

What Does the PTE Look For in Your Essay?

The Write Essay part of the PTE tests how well you can write your thoughts down. This is what makes up your score:


This is the most important part of your essay. The test checks:

  • Relevance: Are you answering the question topic directly? Don’t write about unrelated topics or use PTE templates that are off-topic.
  • Coverage: Have you covered all parts of the question? For example, if the essay asks for advantages and disadvantages, you need to discuss both. Only writing about one will affect your score.

Examples: Did you include examples to support your points? Examples can come from real life, the news, or things you’ve read.


For example, this could mean:

  • Essay Length: It needs to be 200 to 300 words long. Your score will go down if you write too little or too much in the Form criteria.
  • Structure: Your essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


Good grammar is key to a high score.

  • Correct Sentences: Avoid grammar mistakes like “He go” instead of “He goes.”
  • Tenses: Make sure your verbs match the time you talk about (past, present, or future).
  • Punctuation: Use commas, periods, and question marks correctly.


The PTE checks if you use a variety of words and if they fit the topic.

  • Word Choice: Use words that make sense for your essay. For example, in an essay about education, use words like “students,” “learning,” or “teachers.”
  • Clarity: Don’t use difficult words just to sound smart. Simple, clear words are better.


Any spelling mistakes in your essay should be checked over before you press the next button and go to the next question.

Coherence and Cohesion

This means how well your essay flows.

  • Logical Order: Your ideas should follow a clear structure—start with the introduction, explain your points in the body, and end with a conclusion.
  • Linking Words: Use words like “however,” “for example,” and “in addition” to connect your ideas smoothly.
PTE Practice

Tips for Writing a High-Scoring Essay

Plan Before You Write

Before you start writing, take two to three minutes to plan your essay. You’ll be able to stay on task and get more done. How to make plans:

  • Get the Question: Pay close attention to the writing topic. Find out if it wants you to agree or disagree, explain something, or come up with an answer.
  • Make a list of your points: Make a list of two or three PTE essay ideas that you want to use in your writing.
  • Think of Examples: Add simple examples to support each point. These can be from your own experience or things you’ve read.
  • Outline Your Essay: Plan what you’ll write in the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Use a Simple Essay Template

Using a clear structure makes your essay easier to read. Here’s a template you can follow:

  • Introduction:
    • State the topic and your opinion.
    • Mention the points you’ll discuss.
  • Body Paragraph 1:
    • Talk about your first idea.
    • Explain why it’s important.
    • Add an example to support it.
  • Body Paragraph 2:
    • Talk about your second idea.
    • Explain why it’s important.
    • Add another example.
  • Conclusion:
    • Summarize your main points.
    • Restate your opinion clearly.

Keep Your Writing Simple and Clear

Your essay doesn’t need to sound like a textbook. Follow these tips:

  • Use Short Sentences: Write short, simple sentences that are easy to read.
  • Stick to the Topic: Don’t include ideas that don’t answer the question.
  • Use Linking Words: Words like “firstly,” “in contrast,” or “therefore” make your essay flow better.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Using Complicated Words: Simple words are better. For example, use “helpful” instead of “beneficial.”
  • Repetition: Don’t keep repeating the same ideas. Add variety to your points.
  • Not Checking Spelling: Even one spelling mistake can lower your score.
  • Ignoring the Word Limit: Ensure your essay is between 200-300 words.

Final Thoughts

To get a good score on the PTE essay, you need to be clear, stay on topic, and use good organization. Use the tips and sample essay in this guide to practice, and you’ll see your confidence grow. Remember, it’s not about sounding fancy—it’s about making your ideas easy to understand.

Start practicing today, and you’ll be ready to achieve your target score quickly. For more resources and sample essays, visit PTE Sample Essays on Benchmark PTE. You’ve got this!

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