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Personalized Feedback and Ace Your OET Exam

Studying for your OET exam can be stressful especially when you’re a non-native speaker. The pressure of one test bearing the weight of your entire future can be disheartening, and finding the space and time to study when you’re a working adult can leave you confused about how and when to start. But, Benchmark's flexible platform of online OET mock tests allows you to study at your own place, and at your own pace. All you need is a computer, and an internet connection!

Whether you’re sitting for the OET Paper-based test, or OET Computer-based test, our Mock Tests for doctors and nurses offer an exam-like experience that fully prepares you for your official OET test day. With timed practice, and personalized feedback from Benchmark experts, you’ll get a true evaluation of your capabilities, and find areas that need further progress. By providing personalized guidance, coaching, and support, Benchmark’s mock test packages help you achieve a B grade or higher in your OET!

You’ve come this far in your career, don’t let a language barrier stop you from realising your goals!

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OET Mock Tests

Learn what to do

Practice As Much As You Need

If you’re feeling unhappy about your performance on your OET mock test, or simply want to practice more, you can take and retake the mock tests as many times as you need to tackle challenging questions and solidify your knowledge.

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Listening Part A, B & C Answers
with Detailed Explanations

The same goes for Listening Parts A, B, & C where in-depth explanations provide necessary insight to help you understand the reasoning behind each answer, and identify relevant listening cues containing important information during your OET test.

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Scoring & Guidance By
Experienced Teachers

We all need guidance sometimes; that’s why we have a team of experienced OET teachers to help you achieve success. They’ll score your Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking mock test and provide corrections and personalized feedback to help you gauge your progress and track areas that need further improvement.

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Writing Case Notes With Sample Letters

The writing test can be challenging for anybody, but our OET Writing Case Notes come with sample letters so you can learn how to identify relevant information and tackle writing tasks correctly. These case notes and sample letters are designed to illustrate correct approaches to various writing tasks, improve your writing, and help you score a B on the writing test.

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Reading Part A, B & C Answers
with Detailed Explanations

Our OET mock tests come with detailed explanations for Reading Parts A, B, & C, helping you further understand the reasoning and context behind each answer, and sharpening your reading skills.

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You Can Practice Each Module Separately

To save you time, the practice tests can be divided into mini mock tests that make your study session more convenient and allow you to focus on an individual module such as reading, listening, writing, or speaking.

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Speaking Role-play cards With Sample Recordings

If you’re nervous about your speaking test, the OET Role-play cards offer various situational mock tests for you to practice your OET speaking skills. They also come with sample recordings that illustrate ideal responses that you can use to model your responses after.

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Email Support

If you need admin or educational support, you can email us and our OET Experts will get back to you ASAP.

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Exclusive for Doctors & Nurses

Let's Choose a Sample Test Package
for OET!!!!

OET FOR DOCTORS oet for nurseS
Choose a Package
2 Mock Tests


  • Validity
  • Reading Part A, B & C + Answers w/ Explanation
  • * Listening Part A, B & C + Answers w/ Explanation
  • Writing Case Notes w/ Sample Letter
  • Speaking Role Play Card w/ Sample Recording
  • Option to take each module independently
  • ** Can Practice Multiple Times
  • Email Support
  • Scoring by Teachers

    Listening, Reading, Writing (w/ Correction & Feedback)

    edubenchmark Click here for the Sample

    edubenchmark Turnaround time is 24 hours

  • Scoring by Teachers

    L+R+W (above), Speaking (Zoom-based w/ live grading)

    edubenchmark Click for Explainer Video

    edubenchmark One on One w/ Expert

    edubenchmark 20-min Duration

    edubenchmark 2 RolePlay Cards

* Teacher marking will be done once for each mock test
** Audio transcripts are not included

OET Mock packages include tests that are DISTINCT from OET COURSES

By clicking the Buy Now button, you agree with our
Terms and Conditions | Disclaimer




  • Reading Part A, B & C w/ Answers & Explanation
  • * Listening Part A, B & C w/ Answers & Explanation
  • Writing Case Notes w/ w/ Sample Letter
  • Speaking Role Play Card w/ Sample Recording
  • Option to take each module independently
  • ** Can Practice Multiple Times
  • Email Support
  • Scoring by Teachers
    Listening, Reading, Writing
    (w/ Correction & Feedback)

    edubenchmark Turnaround time is 24 hours

    edubenchmark Click here for the Sample

  • Scoring by Teachers

    edubenchmark Click for Explainer Video

    edubenchmark One on One w/ Expert

    edubenchmark 20-min Duration

    edubenchmark 2 RolePlay Cards

* Teacher marking will be done once for each mock test
** Audio transcripts are not included

OET Mock packages include tests that are DISTINCT from OET COURSES

By clicking the Buy Now button, you agree with our
Terms and Conditions | Disclaimer

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Although the Reading and Listening tests can be practiced by all healthcare professions, Writing and Speaking OET mock tests are specific for doctors, and nurses only. But don’t worry, we’ll be adding more occupations soon.

Yes. The mock tests are formatted exactly as the real OET exam. We have also trial-tested every single OET Reading paper, Listening Paper, Writing Paper, and Speaking paper to ensure that they are of similar standard to the official OET exam. However, please note that these tests cannot be printed or downloaded.

Yes. The rules and regulations applied on the OET on Computer test are the same as those applied on the OET test on Paper.
If you’re planning to sit for the OET on Computer test, the Benchmark Online OET Mock tests actually help you familiarize yourself with the format of the official OET on Computer test so you can be more confident on your official OET test date.

Our self-practice mock test package provides mock tests with answers and explanations, speaking role-play cards with sample recordings, and the option to practice each module multiple times. Teacher’s grading is not included - hence, a more affordable rate!
Our LRW Feedback package provides everything in the Self-Practice package along with corrections and personalized feedback on Listening, Reading and Writing by our experienced OET teachers.
Similarly, our Full Feedback package provides corrections and personalized feedback on Listening, Reading, Writing along with a one-on-one Zoom Speaking test where one of our experienced teachers will grade you and give you live feedback.

Our OET mock tests offer reading, listening, writing, and speaking answers with detailed explanations, case notes and sample letters, and sample recordings. But, if you’re looking for more extensive study material, you can sign up for one of our OET course packages.

Yes. We constantly review and update our OET mock test library to ensure that our mock tests adhere to the latest OET exam standards.

Yes. Our mock tests are formatted exactly the same as the real OET exam and come with detailed explanations, samples, and corrections to ensure that you’re well-prepared on your official OET test day. For the best result, we recommend starting with the individual modules you feel you need the most practice in, and then doing as many timed full mock tests as you can to prepare yourself for the actual test.

We’re always happy to help you with your OET preparations, and our team is fairly quick should you encounter any issues. Simply use the “Help” button to send us your query or email us at [[email protected]] and we’ll provide all the support you need.

Currently, our OET mock tests are only available as part of a package, but if you’re unsure you can always start with our 2 mock test package. This package offers 2 OET mock tests along with detailed explanations for Listening and Reading answers, and writing case notes and sample letters.

We accept credit cards, debit cards, PayPal and AliPay / WeChat, RuPay and UPI. If you’re having any issues with payment, email us at [[email protected]], and we'll guide you through the process.

Because this is a digital product, once you access it, it cannot be refunded. If you’re unsure about which package to get, you can start with our [OET 2 Mock Test Self-Practice Package].

Have a question not on the list above?            Email us for quick answers! [email protected]



Dr. Fabiana Otsuka Ferreira

High quality and personalized coaching. Thank you Benchmark team for your support and professionalism. I strongly recommend them if you want to succeed in OET.


Dr. Abnawaz Rana

Dedicating my OET medicine success to the Benchmark Team. Grateful for your support!


Dr. Maritza

Passed my OET with 4 B's on my third attempt thanks to your practice materials and writing corrections. Big THANK YOU!


Nurse Bogadi Serumola

I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me pass. You’ve been so helpful!


Dr. Maria Chiara

I would like to say thank you for your support and your useful package as it helped me to pass the OET exam at the second attempt. It would have been really difficult to pass it without you.


Dr. Shuta Ishigami

Achieved Grade B in all Medicine sections. Thanks to Benchmark teachers and support teams. Your programs are truly helpful for OET prep.


Dr. Reshal Salins

I’m glad to inform you that I have cleared my OET exam successfully. Thank you so much for giving appropriate advice.


Nurse Thakshila N Wijesena

I was able to improve my writing marks from 200 to 400. I would not be able to pass OET without Benchmark support.


Dr. Abdul Rahman

Received my score report with 350 in writing and 400's in others. Thanks a lot for your service!


Dr. Arpana Patel

Passed my exam on 1st try with 400 in speaking, 360 in others. Thanks for the OET pro classes.


Dr. Ali Arslan

I got B grade in all four subtests. I have learned a lot from you. The work you people are doing is great


Dr. Muhammad Khalid

I have cleared OET. Thank you so much. Your writing subscriptions helped me a lot.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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Blogs & News


Typing Speed Tips for OET on Computer Exam

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Urgent Referral Letter Writing Guide for OET Candidates

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Scared of Spelling? OET Spelling Misconceptions Sorted Out

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Discharge Letter Writing Guide for OET Candidates

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OET Grammar Writing Tips and Guide

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Top 8 OET Referral Letter Writing Tips

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Letter Writing Guide: How to Effectively Update a Medical Professional

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Registration Guide to UK Doctor Licence Via GMC

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OET for Doctors Recognzed in Canada

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Doctors can now take OET at home for their UK GMC Registration

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UK NMC Nursing Registration Guide for Overseas Nurses

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Washington (USA) State Nursing Care now accepts OET for Nurses Licensure

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Common OET Speaking Topics for Nurses

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OET Grammar Writing Tips and Guide

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Articles made easy for OET Candidates !

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Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

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UK Pharmacy Licensing & Migration Guide

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Pharmacy Letter Writing Guide for OET Candidates

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Pharmacy OET Grades Required for GPhC Register

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OET on Computer vs. OET on Paper

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Identify Your OET Strengths and Weaknesses

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How to Ace OET on Computer Exam

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OET Now Accepted in the US

It was recently confirmed by the organizers of the Occupational English Test (OET) that two....


OET at Home Computer-Based test – Decide!

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Proposed New OET Scores By The Nursing and Midwifery Council, UK

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Overcoming OET Listening Part C Challenges

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Importance of Grammar in OET Listening

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OET Listening Practice Materials - Where to Find?

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OET Test Dates 2024 & 2023 - Book Your OET Today!

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OET Score Calculator Guide - Check Your Grade

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OET Exam Format Overview in 2024

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Acquiring OET on Computer Practice Tests

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OET at Home Computer-Based test - Decide!

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Simulating an Exam-Like Environment for Practice Tests

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