OET Test Exam Results FAQ

We have put together some of the most frequently asked questions about the OET exam results for you so that you have all the information that you need about OET results in one place…

1. What score do I need to pass the OET?

The score required may vary depending on the council or department you are applying to. The general rule, though, is that 350 points minimum on each sub-set of the test is expected.

2. How many days do I have to wait for my OET test results?

The time frame given for return of OET results is 16 business days or 3 weeks after you have taken the test. Once the results are available, the OET administrators have up to 5 working days to send the results to the candidates. Note that this time period is the same for OET on paper, OET on Computer at a venue and OET at home.

3. How will my OET results be issued?

You will be able to access your OET results in two ways.

You will receive the printed copy of your results through the post in the form of an official statement of results.

Your results will also be available online (17 days after the exam). Access them by logging into your OET online profile on the OET website and going to the My Details section. You will also be given the option to download or print the results from here. This download can be used for official purposes.

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A breakdown of your grades for the different sections of the test will be given, with each subtest given a numerical score from 0-500 (then associated with a grade from E-A). No overall or total score is given in the OET.

With permission, the educational authorities to whom you will be submitting your results can also access them via the OET website using secure access obtained from the CBLA.

4. How do I know if I passed the OET?

In general, B grade or 350 is considered to be a pass for all the occupations under OET. However, some licensing authorities, such as UK Nursing and Midwifery council, accepts 300 score in case of writing. So, you will need to visit your respective licensing website and find out their grades for passing the OET exam.

5. Can I get additional copies of my OET test results?

You are able to get extra copies of your OET results for which you will be charged AUD $35.00 per copy in addition to P&P. To request additional copies of test results, you will need to log into the OET website, go to candidate information and then statement of results. The statements of results will be posted to you within the next 2 weeks.

6. How do I verify a Statement of Results certificate?

The OET results verification service is set up so that the relevant boards and bodies can securely access and verify a candidate’s statement of results online.

7. Are OET test results valid for a set amount of time?

There is not a set time for which the OET scores are valid. This depends on the department or council to which you are submitting your OET certificate. It is worth finding out from the appropriate body how long this is so that you can plan around it.

8. What if I disagree with my OET test results?

If you disagree with any of the marking of your OET test, you can request for the subset (or subsets) where you believe the error to be marked again. To do this, you must complete an OET re-marking form which you can obtain using the OET website. You must submit your request no more than 5 days after publication of your results.

If there is a change in any of your scores, you will receive a refund for the payment of the test and the revised score.

9. Why is my score the same after re-marking?

Re-marking is a stringent process which follows detailed guidelines and specific processes carried out by highly trained professionals, and if your score hasn’t changed, unfortunately it is simply because it was correct in the first place.

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10. Why have I got different scores on two different OET tests?

If you find that you have taken more than one OET exam and have received different score on each one, there is nothing to worry about. We are human and we are all likely to perform differently on a different day due to many factors. If you are very close between two bands, it is even more likely, for example, that you will score a C+ on one test and a B on another. You may just find some of the tasks more intuitive although the ability level for them is always the same.

11. Is it possible to combine scores from different sittings?

The majority of institutions would specify that your scores should come from one test, but there is nothing stop you asking if you can combine scores from different tests. This is in the hands of the institution not the OET board.

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7 thoughts on “OET Test Results FAQs | Know everything about OET Exam Results”

  1. Hi
    I do not understand why is just valid for 2 years.
    AHPRA spent nearly 2 years to provide a referral letter to enroll in a bridging course without any spots available, and now I have to sit the test again after completing the Uni bridging course.
    Should the test be valid at least 3 years like the IELTS.
    And, by the way, passing the test doesn’t shows that you are able to speak English properly.

  2. I got an email two weeks after remark application, with no change in my portal . Does it mean no change or I should wait one more week.
    In the email they didn’t mention remark results, they mentioned, your results are now available.

  3. It’s been more than 29 days since after I took my test and my results have yet to be released. I received an email notification on last week about a statistical analysis with a form. I filled it out and submitted it the same day. I would like to know how long I need to wait for my results.

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