
1. Understanding Format and Duration of OET Test

The official OET test takes approximately 2 hours and 45 mins to complete. It has four subtests i.e.  preparation time.

OET Listening3 parts common to all professions42 Listening questions~40 minutes
OET Reading3 parts common to all professions42 Reading questionsPart A 15 mins
Part B & C 45 mins
OET Writing1 task Specific to Profession1 writing TaskReading Time 5 minutes

Writing Time 40 minutes

OET Speaking2 Tasks specific to profession2 Role-plays~20 minutes

Time Distribution for Official OET Exam

Candidates in all types of English language assessment tests struggle with the same issue. Sometimes they are good with receptive skills (OET listening and OET reading) and they need help with productive skills (OET writing and OET speaking). Sometimes the situation is vice versa or they might be facing difficulty in one particular subset. Allocating more time to the weak skill in OET weak areas and plan accordingly. OET recognized trainers can guide you in determining your weaknesses and strengths or else the OET candidates can self-evaluate their level using OET sample

2. Identify Gap between Desired Score and Actual Score

If someone wants to arrive a destination, you always start navigation map from your location (where you stand). If one wants to achieve desired score in OET test, first they need to know their actual score.

OET test takers can take a placement test to determine their actual score before starting preparation for the OET exam. Your results for the OET placement test will indicate a gap between your desired score and actual score. The gap needs to be filled through a carefully tailored study plan for OET preparation.  The gap will guide you in making a study plan and dedicating estimated study hours for the official OET exam.

3. Language skills & Test taking Skills in OET Preparation

OET test preparation includes working on two major skills, i.e., language skills and test taking skills. Language skills include language, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, listening for details, skimming or scanning for reading, etc. The candidates with weak language skills might have taken OET tests a couple of times, know about test tips from different sources, and understand the format and content of test. Such candidates would benefit from working on their OET grammar, vocabulary and other English language skills first.

Test taking skills deal with familiarity of the OET test format and pattern, time management, efficient approaches in completing test question, etc. The candidates who lack test taking skills usually rely on their English skills and take the test without any preparation. They are unaware of the format and contents of the test and end up getting less than OET B grade. They should solve more OET practice tests from OET materials, and they need to read about OET test tips from authentic sources.

Some OET applicants have beginner-level language skills and test taking skills. They should work on both skills simultaneously. Their OET preparation plan should include grammar and vocabulary exercises alongside solving practice tests.

4. Estimated Study Hours for OET Exam

OET candidates should make their study plan considering three factors. First, their actual scores in the OET placement test. If they score between 300-340, they should allocate at least 40 to 50 hours in plan spreading study hours over a couple of months including weekends. Those who are free and can dedicate more time to study should make an intensive full-time OET preparation plan. Lastly, their language skills for which they need to add language exercises.  If they score 190 or less than that, they need to add exercises for grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. to improve their overall skills. And, they should allocate more than 300 hours of study to improve their OET scores.

5. Study Plan & Expect Realistic Outcomes

A proposed preparation plan for OE T test has been shared for the candidates who wish to appear in the OET exam. It is an 8-week plan which suits almost all types of candidates with exception to those candidates who score below 200 in OET placement test or previous official OET test.

1-2Orientation &

Placement Test

OET Overview

Orientation to recommended textbooks/sources

OET placement test (Identify gap)

3-4Preparation StageFamiliarization with test-taking strategiesOET Preparation Material for OET subtests:  reading, writing, listening, and speaking

OET Marking criteria for all subtests

5-6Practice StageIndependent Activities

Practice Tests with tracking Time

7-8Mock Test


Washback & Follow-up

OET Mock Test I (Compare scores with Placement Test)

Self Evaluation or Evaluation from OET experts

Feedback and areas for further improvement


Desired score achievedà Book OET exam

Desired score not achievedà make another plan


With OET preparation plan, the candidates should remain optimistic about the outcomes and be prepared for a follow-up plan. They might book the official OET test or not in the end. In either situation, they should keep practising tests till official OET test date or keep preparing further with a new OET plan of study. There are several factors involved in OET exam preparation including English language proficiency, test taking skills, dedicated study hours, previous OET test results, etc., so the candidates should remain patient and persistent in their efforts. They can ask for help from Benchmark OET experts to customize the plan and get additional OET test preparation material to pursue their goals. To put in a nutshell, preparation time for OET test is not same for every OET test taker because they are not equal in their skills and motivations.

6. Activities to Speed-up OET Preparation

The OET test takers can accelerate the preparation by adding the following:

  • Subscribe to OET providers, such as Benchmark Education with access to authentic resources
  • Watch movies/series on medical genre for OET medical words
  • Joi n OET groups to pair-up and practice with serious OET candidates
  • Listen to patients’ medical histories and make notes for listening tasks
  • Read medical policies and reports for reading tasks
  • Add physical activities like brisk walking, cycling, running, etc., to overcome prolong sitting study hours
  • Smile and believe in yourself!

7. Key to Success in OET Test

Hard work and perseverance are the two traits which are very important in achieving the desired scores in OET test. Sometimes the candidates are putt off when they do not get the desired scores even after rigorous preparation. In such cases, the candidates must keep trying but with a small break from keep attempting practice tests which exhaust them further more. They might have drained their energy and mental capacity to comprehend or retain information. In such cases, they should not solve any test for a couple of days. This will give their mind some time to relax and improve their efficiency when they resume their OET test preparation.

Last but not least, prepare before booking the official exam, OET candidate should never go the other be more confident and surely perform better.

Free Writing OET Materials

1. OET Writing Materials for Nurses

2. OET Writing Materials For Doctors

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