The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.  Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Report 1

The table provides a comparison of national consumer expenditure between five different European countries in 2002. Overall, food, drinks and tobacco consumed the highest percentage of consumer spending in the nations surveyed while leisure activities and education attracted the lowest proportion.

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In detail, across the countries, Turkish people witnessed the largest percentage of national consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco with 32.14%, which was closely followed by 28.91% of consumer expenditure in Ireland. Spain, Italy and Sweden were in the next positions with 18.8%, 16.36% and 15.77%, respectively.

In terms of people’s payment for clothing and footwear, Italian consumers allocated the greatest amount of money for this with 9%. In contrast, the lowest percentage of consumer spending on this genre belonged to Sweden with 5.4% while Turkey, Spain and Ireland had very close proportions of 6.63%, 6.51% and 6.43%, respectively.

As for the field of leisure and education, Turkish people invested the largest amount of money with 4.35% of in this category in comparison with others. This figure was nearly two-fold as high as that in Spain with only 1.98%.

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