OET for Physiotherapists

The Occupational English Test (OET) is an English language proficiency test specifically designed for healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and others. It comprises four sub-tests—Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking—tailored to the context of healthcare. OET is recognized by numerous healthcare regulatory bodies worldwide, including those in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. The test content focuses on real-life medical communication, making it highly relevant for healthcare professionals working in specialized fields.

OET VS Other English Tests:
You might find it challenging to decide between OET, IELTS, or PTE. For healthcare professionals, the OET test is accepted worldwide. Another compelling reason to choose OET is its content, which focuses on real-world medical communication. This means the test is directly relevant to your profession and aligns with your existing knowledge and experience. Consequently, preparing for the OET requires less time compared to IELTS or TOEFL, as the latter tests cover a broad range of topics unrelated to your field.

2. OET Test Format & Scoring for Physiotherapists

The OET test for physiotherapists comprises four components: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Physiotherapists have the flexibility to take the test in three formats: OET on Paper, OET on Computer (at a test venue), or OET@Home. A detailed overview of the OET test content, sub-tests, duration, and scoring criteria is provided in the table below:

Overview of Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections

SubtestsContentContentGenreAssessment & Scoring
Listening (~50mins)Part A (24 Qs)           Part B (6 MCQs)       Part C (12 MCQs)  Part A:
24 questions
2 Recordings (12 questions each)
Notes completion
Part B:
6 questions
3 option MCQs
Part C 12 questions 2 Recordings (6 questions each) 3 option MCQs    
General Medical The questions in the listening subtest assess your ability to listen for details, comprehend, identify the speaker's opinion, follow extended conversation and interpret accurately.
Reading (15 mins      + 45 mins)Part A (20 Qs)           Part B (6 MCQs)         Part C (16 MCQs)Part A:
20 questions
1-7 Matching Questions.
8-20 Fill in the blanks.
Part B:
6 questions (6 workplace extracts)
3 option MCQs
Part C:
16 questions
2 long texts
4 option MCQS questions
General MedicalReading the subtest requires you to quickly scan the text, locate relevant information, record specific information, identify main ideas, purpose, and understand the implicit and explicit meanings.  
Writing (45 mins)Physiotherapy Referral Letter   Transfer Letter   Discharge LetterLetter Writing (180-200 words)Profession Specific (Physiotherapy)Writing a subtest assesses your language, grammar, content, genre knowledge, organization, and clarity in written expression.
Speaking (20 mins)2 Role PlaysRole Plays between   Healthcare Professional (You)   And Interlocutor (Patient)Profession Specific (Physiotherapy)In the speaking subtest, you are assessed for intelligibility, fluency, appropriateness of language, grammatical knowledge & use, relationship building skills, and interpersonal communication skills.

For more information, please read OET Exam Format in 2025 to understand each subtest and approach to questions.

3. Criteria for Good Scores in OET for Physiotherapists

You should take this checklist criteria test for listening, reading, writing and speaking to evaluate your performance in the OET test. Tick the boxes after taking a sample OET test from our OET Physiotherapy Course.

OET Listening Subtest Checklist

  • Answered all questions (no negative marking)
  • Spelling & Grammar checked
  • Grammar Checked
  • Focused on Audio

OET Reading Subtest Checklist

  • Scanning & Scanning techniques Applied
  • Part A completed in 15 mins
  • Part B & C completed in 45 mins
  • Spelling and Grammar checked

OET Writing Subtest Checklist

  • Letter with clear purpose
  • Appropriate language used
  • Understood the case notes
  • Grammatically accurate
  • Spelling, punctuation, etc. proofread

OET Speaking Subtest Checklist

  • Communication was effective
  • Speech was intelligible
  • Spoke fluently
  • Appropriate content & language
  • Grammar and other resources used well.

How many boxes have you checked?
If you have checked four boxes in any subtest, you might score a minimum B grade in that subtest.

4. OET Test Dates & Booking Guide for Physiotherapists

If you are unable to achieve the desired score in the OET Mock Tests , make a customized plan to Prepare for the OET and invest your time and money wisely. Remember the cost of the OET test is AUD $587, so it is imperative that you are well-prepared and pass your test in the first attempt. Once you are ready, you can look for the available OET Physiotherapy Test Dates to book the OET Physiotherapy test. You will have a lot of questions while booking the test. Here is the complete guidance on How To Book OET Exam Online. You can also check out OET Test FAQs for your information.

5. OET Test Preparation Resources

For each subtest, you can find authentic and helpful resources below:

Listening Preparation
The following articles will help you understand the listening subtest.

You should learn the best strategies, tips and tricks for OET reading subtest given in the articles below:

The OET writing subtest can be a bit challenging. You must read the articles and available sample answers to understand the requirements of the OET writing subtest.

The OET speaking becomes less overwhelming if you are well-prepared, know the format of the test and well aware of the marking criteria.

The OET test requires you to use clear, precise, structured language in writing and speaking subtests. Therefore, read the following articles to practice OET grammar.

Although you are already familiar with medical language, there are still some words that should be revised for spelling and punctuation.

6. How to Maximize Your OET Writing Score

After preparing for the OET, the next crucial step is achieving the maximum score, which is only possible if you do two things. First, solve plenty of OET Reading PracticeTests & OET Listening Practice Tests , and second, take OET Mock Tests. These steps can significantly boost your confidence on the official OET test day. If you need personalized response and estimated scores for your letter along with guidance for your mistakes, OET Writing Correction Service is available 24/7.  With Benchmark, you can gain valuable insights into your estimated scores for OET Speaking Mock Test as well, as our OET experts highlight mistakes and provide feedback for improvement as well.

7. OET Registration Requirements for Physiotherapists

The Occupational English Test (OET) is widely accepted by medical boards and regulatory authorities in many countries for physiotherapists seeking licensure. It serves as a key requirement in demonstrating English language proficiency. If you are planning to work internationally, the OET is a critical step in the registration process. The regulatory authorities accepting OET for physiotherapists, along with the minimum required scores, are listed in the table below:

Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities & OET Recognition

CountryRegulatory AuthorityRequired OET Scores
AustraliaAustralian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade B
Speaking= Grade B
United KingdomHealth and Care Professions Council (HCPC)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade C+
Speaking= Grade B
New ZealandPhysiotherapy Board of New ZealandListening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade C+
Speaking= Grade B
CanadaCanadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade C+
Speaking= Grade B
USAFederation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade B
Speaking= Grade B
IrelandHealth and Social Care Professionals Council (CORU)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade C+
Speaking= Grade B
SingaporeAllied Health Professions Council (AHPC)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade B
Speaking= Grade B
UAEHealth Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD) and Dubai Health Authority (DHA)Listening= Grade B
Reading= Grade B
Writing= Grade B
Speaking= Grade B

You can also explore the detailed steps for applying for international Physiotherapy Registration in countries such as Australia, the USA, the UK, Canada, and New Zealand. These steps typically involve credential verification, passing relevant exams, and meeting language proficiency requirements like OET.

Additionally, for those planning to work in Australia, you can find comprehensive information about visa options, job opportunities, and pathways for Overseas Healthcare Workers.

8. FAQs About OET for Physiotherapists

Q1. How is the OET different from other English tests?
Other tests may include topics from science, geography, history, and more, but OET is specifically focused on the medical genre. While other tests require you to learn vocabulary from a wide range of topics, the vocabulary you learn for OET will not only be familiar to you but will also be relevant and useful in your future professional practice.

Q2. Is the OET accepted for physiotherapists?
Yes, for most physiotherapy regulatory authorities, the OET test is accepted as part of the licensure process.

Q3. What score is accepted for OET Physiotherapy?
For most physiotherapy regulatory boards, a B grade is the average requirement.

Q4. How do I register for the OET?
You will book an OET Test on the official OET portal. And, you can read How To Book OET Exam Online to get all the information and guide on booking process.

Q5. Can I reschedule or cancel my OET test?
Yes, you can defer, reschedule, or cancel your OET test; however, there are charges for these actions. Moreover, the charges vary depending on whether you cancel or reschedule before or after 48 hours.

Q6. What happens if I fail one component of the OET?
You will need to book the entire test again. However, you may have the option to combine scores from two sittings if your recognizing organization approves. You cannot retake only one subtest.

Q7. Can I apply for re-marking for OET Physiotherapy?
Yes, you can apply for OET remarking of any subtest after paying the fee, which is refundable if your grade changes. However, if your grade decreases or remains the same after re-evaluation, the fee is not refunded. So, if you are fully confident about your performance, apply for remarking. Otherwise, book the test again. Remember, for Listening and Reading, the likelihood of a grade change is very low, as they are mostly computer-assessed. For Speaking and Writing, there is a possibility of grade changes.