Are you ready to take the PTE Academic test? Unfortunately, nervous test-takers tend to commit errors that can later cost them dearly.
If you wish to score perfect marks in your English proficiency exam, here are the 7 common mistakes to avoid at all costs.
Speaking too Quickly
Confusing speed with fluency is a common mistake. But did you know that when you try to speak too fast, your fluency score can get affected? In your haste, your speaking clarity tends to suffer and so does your PTE score. Plus, you may end up rambling and losing your train of thought.
So, aim for a speed that is just right: not too fast, not too slow. Put in hours of practice to achieve this optimum speed and maintain the same pace during your exam.
Using Filler Words and Sounds
Sometimes, we fail to find the appropriate words to express a point. Usually, the involuntary action when this happens is to fill the silence with filler words and sounds like “uuhm,” “aah,” “like,” etc. During the PTE Academic exam, refrain from doing this as it can negatively impact your PTE score.
An effective way to avoid fillers altogether is to prepare a template for speaking. The more you practice speaking using the template, the better you’ll get at avoiding these unnecessary words.
Sometimes you tend to make a mistake while recording your answer. When this happens, don’t panic. Also, don’t pause or try to explain the error if you think a mistake has been made.
Incorrect Use of Language and Tense
Using the wrong tense form while describing things and situations is another common mistake. For example, you might use “is” and “was” to describe the same situation. Although it might seem like a small error, it can cause you to lose marks.
It’s also a good idea to skip using informal, casual language. Instead, use formal, academic language.
Misuse of Vocabulary and Grammatical Errors
Another thing to watch out for minor grammatical errors such as incorrect punctuation marks or misspelled words. A missing comma might seem trivial, but it can adversely affect your PTE score. Hence, always proofread your written work before submitting it.

To sound smart, some writers pad their sentences with unnecessary or complicated words. Instead, write clear, concise points and flex your vocabulary muscles judiciously.
Multiple Sentences in PTE Summarize Written Text Questions
In PTE Summarize Written Text questions, you’re expected to write a single sentence ending with a full stop. You can use connectors where necessary, but ensure you only write one sentence with one period.
Not Adhering to the Word Limit
Follow the word limit mentioned in every question. Don’t exceed or fall short of this number. For example, if the limit is 200-300, ensure that your answer is above 200 but not more than 300 words.
Pausing for too Long
In the speaking test, if you pause for more than 3 seconds after the microphone starts recording, it will switch off. Anything you say after that won’t be recorded. That’s why it is important to avoid hesitating, pausing, or speaking in breaks.
It is natural to make mistakes during your PTE Academic exam. But with a little care and practice, you can avoid them altogether.