OET Speaking Test Role Play Cards

OET Speaking is considered to be the easiest of the four modules (listening, reading, writing and speaking). Achieving 350 or more in the speaking section is not very difficult. All you need to do is to follow the role play card and ensure that all bullet points in the card have been duly addressed. At the same time, listen to the patient’s concerns and answer them satisfactorily. Time management is an extremely important factor as the interlocutor will stop the recorder at 5 minutes.
Table of Contents
Some of the basics to get right in the speaking module are:
- Introducing yourself well
- Asking the relevant questions to the patient
- Using a positive language
- Ensuring there is a two-way communication and you are not the only speaking throughout the interview
- Addressing all bullet points
- Summarising the conversation at the end (if time allows)
Following are some sample speaking recordings on different scenarios. Hope you will find them useful.
Your patient is a 17-year-old lady who has come to see you because she believes that she might be pregnant.
- Find out if the patient has taken a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy.
- Ask the patient if she knows how far along in her pregnancy she may be.
- Reassure the client that she has full doctor-patient confidentiality. You will not discuss her case with anyone unless you get express permission from her to do so.
- Reassure the patient that she does not have to make any immediate decisions right now. Explain to the patient that as a doctor your goal is to make sure that she is given access to all information and resources available. You will support her in any decision that she makes.
- Tell the patient that you cannot offer advice to her but as an adult, she is legally allowed to make her own decisions. You can help support any decision she makes. You can refer her to other specialists and counsellors.
- Advise the patient to speak to a close family member or someone she trusts.
You are a 17-year-old woman who has come to see your GP because you believe you are pregnant. The pregnancy is unexpected. You have not told anyone about it.
- Tell the doctor that you have taken a home pregnancy test and it is positive.
- Tell the doctor that you are not sure but suspect that you may be a few weeks pregnant. Stress to the doctor that you do not want your parents to find out.
- Inform the doctor that the pregnancy has taken you by surprise and you do not know what to do.
- Ask the GP if they have any advice for you.
- Tell the doctor that you will consider what they have said.
Expensive Medication
Expensive Medication
Community Pharmacy
A customer has come to the pharmacy today to pick up their medication. As you fill the prescription for the medications, you see that the expensive medication, Methotrexate has not been automatically covered by the clients insurance or workplace.
- The client has come to pay for their medications. You inform the client that although one medication appears to be covered by their workplace, the second medication was not approved for coverage. That means to receive the medication, they will have to pay for it out of pocket.
- The client says the medication is too expensive, they cannot afford it. Ask them if they have other types of coverage.
- This medication cannot be discounted. Unfortunately, you cannot do anything. They have to pay for the medication or you can’t give it to them.
- There are no alternatives that you know of for this drug. Tell the client.
- The client seems very upset that they won’t be able to get their second medication. Sympathize with the client.
- Consider ways you can help such as speaking to their doctor again.
Expensive Medication
Expensive Medication
Community Pharmacy
You have come to the pharmacy today to collect your prescription for medications that treat your rheumatoid arthritis. Part of the prescription contains the medication Methotrexate which is expensive. You are not sure if your workplace covers the cost of the full prescription.
- The pharmacist tells you that only one of those medications in the prescription is being covered by your workplace. You will have to pay for the second medication out of your own pocket. Tell the pharmacist that you cannot afford this.
- Tell the pharmacist you have no other type of coverage that you are eligible for. Ask them if they would be able to give you a discount.
- Ask the pharmacist if there are any cheaper alternatives to that medication.
- You are very upset that you will not be able to take this medication. It is crucial for your treatment.
Breaking the Rules
Breaking the Rules
Post-surgery clinic
You are seeing a 17-year-old patient who just underwent surgery 3 days ago for the removal of a cyst. The surgery was successful, but you have received complaints from staff about this patient. You have come to speak to the patient.
- Ask the patient how they are feeling after the procedure.
- Inform the patient that you are here because you would like to speak to them about reports that they are being disruptive on the unit. You have received complaints that the patient has been inviting lots of friends and guests to the hospital during non-visiting hours.
- Tell the patient that the guests have been coming in large numbers, making a lot of noise, and disrupting staff members and other patients.
- Ask the patient if they can ask their visitors to come during visiting hours and while here to be mindful of their noise level and any disturbance they are causing.
- Tell the patient that all patients on this unit are recovering from surgery and everyone should have the right to do so in peace.
- Continue to ask the patient for their cooperation with the matter. If the patient refuses, inform them that you will escalate the complaint.
Breaking the Rules
Breaking the Rules
Post-surgery clinic
You are a 17-year-old patient who recently underwent a surgery 3 days ago. The surgery was successful. You are on the ward for another few days for observation. The nurse has come to see you.
- Tell the nurse that you feel fine and are healing well.
- The nurse informs you about complaints made against you regarding your guests. Tell the nurse you don’t see what the problem is.
- Tell the nurse that you have a lot of friends that just want to see you. You’re not going to tell your friends not to come and say hello.
- Tell the nurse that you will ask your friends to keep the noise down, but you won’t tell them not to come. Additionally, no one ever said there was a guest limit. It’s not fair to put these restrictions on you. Having your friends visit cheers you up.
- Continue to insist that you are not doing anything wrong. Your visitors should be allowed to come whenever they want to visit you.
Physio's Role Play Card
Spinal Cord Injury
Breaking the Rules
Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
You are the partner of a 26-year-old inpatient who was recently diagnosed with T4 Spinal Cord Injury due to a sports injury. The patient was referred to physiotherapy for early rehabilitation treatment. You have asked to meet with the physiotherapist today since you have a lot of questions and anxiety about the future.
- When asked, say that your partner is emotional and in denial about the diagnosis. He/she understands they may not walk again but seems to still hold onto the hope of a quick recovery.
- When asked about your partner’s condition, mention that their upper body remains strong, as they are an athlete. No significant changes have occurred aside from the paralysis, though you have noticed some instability when they attempt to sit upright.
- Share that you just got married with plans to have a child next year. Ask whether this goal is still achievable.
- Express your own feelings of denial, noting the difficulty in accepting your partner’s current state since you are newly married and had many future plans. Mention that you feel unprepared for this level of responsibility.
- Inquire about the treatment goals and ask how you can assist in the process.
Physio's Role Play Card
Spinal Cord Injury
Breaking the Rules
Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
You are meeting the partner of a 26-year-old inpatient recently diagnosed with a T4 Spinal Cord Injury resulting from a sports injury. The patient has been referred to physiotherapy for early rehabilitation. This is your first session with the patient, and the partner has requested to meet with you beforehand. The partner appears anxious.
- Find out how the patient has been coping with the diagnosis and what he/she knows about it (e.g., what happened, implications, aftermath, etc.).
- Evaluate the general well-being of the patient through the observations of the partner (e.g., cognition, functionality, etc.).
- Explain the bodily changes associated with Spinal Cord Injury (e.g., mobility, independence, fertility, marital, etc.).
- Introduce couple counseling to deal with the recent changes in their relationship.
- Highlight the rehabilitation goals and how the partner can participate in the process (e.g., changes in position, environment modification, exercises, etc.). Discuss the flow of the treatment plan (e.g., initial exercises, progressions, transition to outpatient, etc.).