Nigerian healthcare professionals no longer need to travel far to sit for OET. OET has announced that they have partnered with International House to run the test from August 2019 onwards. This is great news for Nigeria as there is an increasing number of Nigerian candidates who want to sit for OET. The OET test centre is based in Lagos, Nigeria, and will surely ease the travel burden of many candidates within the vicinity. Prior to this, the closest OET test centres were in Northern and Southern Africa.
Currently, according to National Health Service (NHS) UK data, more than 10% of general practitioners in the UK are Nigerian-trained doctors. Thus, Nigerian doctors and nurses who plan to work abroad will also be glad to know that OET is recognized by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and General Medical Council in the UK as well. Having the necessary OET result can thus help get Nigerian doctors and nurses to register with these bodies.
Read the full article at https://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/oet-taking-off-delivering-oet-in-nigeria/
Check out Test Dates and Locations at https://edubenchmark.com/blog/oet-test-dates/ |