Family IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Family is a topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 1. Below you will find a list of some example questions and answers that you could encounter during part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test.
The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking Part 1 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.
Family Speaking Part 1 – Set 1
- Is there a family photo that you especially like?I wouldn’t call it a family photo exactly but it’s a photo of my dog Stupi resting his head upon my grandmother’s feet. This was a month before he passed away at the age of 8. My grandma passed away a year later so this picture is very poignant to me.
Family Vocabulary Speaking Part 1 – Set 1
- Poignant– evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
Other IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics
Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 1 test.
Set 2
- Have you recently done anything that made your family happy?Recently I got my driver’s licence on my second try. When I failed my first try, they could see I was upset, but they were rooting for12 me, and now they are sharing my happiness for getting it!
Set 2 Vocabulary
- rooting for – supporting or hoping that someone will succeed in completing a challenge or contest
Set 3
- Do your friends and family share this opinion?I think they would definitely agree that I have made improvements over time. Although, they may tease me now and then if I leave my clothes on the floor, instead of in the laundry basket.
Set 3 Vocabulary
- now and then – sometimes
Set 4
- Do you make your friends and family laugh?I do, sometimes. I am not as witty as my friend Jen, but I am able to make some people life, which I think is a good skill to have when working in a customer service job.
Set 4 Vocabulary
- witty – a quick and inventive sense of humour
Set 5
- Have you done anything recently which made your family happy?I have. I recently treated my family to a trip to Greece. They had been in need of a vacation after the difficult past couple of years and I was happy to be able to do that for them.
Set 5 Vocabulary
- treated to – (in this case) invited, paid for
Set 6
- Where do you usually meet your friends?We usually catch up at the local town square in the evenings. It’s an open space where we can enjoy a bit of people-watching and drink tea from the local stalls.
- Do you prefer to meet them alone or in a group?If I have something confidential to share, I prefer meeting a friend face-to-face. Otherwise, I’m happiest with groups. I like the energy of large groups!
- Have the meeting places changed since you were younger?Yes, they have but some places are timeless such as our town square which hasn’t changed much at all aside from the ugly billboards. But yes, most people these days prefer meeting at trendy cafes and bars.
- What are the places where people usually meet with friends?They like being seen at popular hotspots that are trending on TikTok and Instagram. Cafes, bars, and nightclubs are quite favored. Those who can’t afford to spend too much meet at their own homes or at the city park.
Set 6 Vocabulary
- catch up – talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing
Set 7
- What do you like to do when you get together with friends?I really enjoy hanging out and going to concerts with them and then perhaps going to get something to eat and drink in the city. We get on well together and it doesn’t matter what we do, we always have fun.
Set 7 Vocabulary
- get on (well) with somebody – to have a friendly relationship with somebody (phrasal verb)
Set 8
- Did you have many friends as a child?Actually, no. I had three or four close friends because I was choosy about who I wanted to get close to me. I am in touch with them till date, and feel grateful that our friendship has endured this long.
Set 8 Vocabulary
- Choosy – taking excessive care when making a choice
Set 9
- Do you prefer to visit a museum with friends or on your own?Personally, visiting a museum with friends is more enjoyable as you can take part in the activities together, talk about the different subjects or give your perspective on a piece of artwork. Going alone can be peaceful but not very exciting.
Set 9 Vocabulary
- take part in – participate
Set 10
- What do you do with friends?We hang out together at home and play computer games or have dinner together. We all have to live on a shoestring as we are students in a city so it is better to play a game of cards at home than spend money going out.
- Do you spend time with just a few friends or with a large group of friends?I prefer to spend time with a few close friends as I am a little introverted and feel shy in large groups. This way we can get to know each other better and what makes the other tick. I have only a handful of close friends but we get on very well.
- When was the last time you went out at night?A few weeks ago, it was my birthday and me and a few friends went out in the city for a meal. It was a treat for all of us and we had a ball eating, laughing and then dancing at a late bar.
Set 10 Vocabulary
- on a shoestring – with a small amount of money
- what makes somebody tick – not frewhat motivates somebody
- had a ball – had a very good time
Set 11
- Would you prefer to spend time with your relatives or friends? Why?It depends because I see my friends and family regularly so luckily I don’t have to choose. Seeing friends is more relaxing as you have things in common and can talk openly whereas being with family gives a sense of belonging and shared traditions.
Set 12
- Who do you prefer to visit, your family or your friends? Why?It really depends. My family and I know each every well, and that sense of familiarity can certainly be very comforting. However, with friends, it is also nice to gain insight into their lives, with which I am less familiar.
- What do you normally do when you visit them?I talk to them about my work and my daily life. I also make sure I provide a listening ear for them, too. They have friends, but there are certain topics that are easier to discuss with family, and vice versa.
Set 12 Vocabulary
- listening ear – someone who listens to other people when they need to talk about something personal
- vice versa – the other way round
- familiarity – knowledge of something or someone
- gain insight – discover and understand
Set 13
- Do you prefer to go to the cinema alone or with friends?It depends on the movie. There are certain films that I know will be more personally meaningful to me, so I go alone. However, when it comes to low-stake comedies or family movies, I am happy to share those with friends!
Set 13 Vocabulary
- low-stake – low-risk, low-threat