TRAVEL ielts speaking part 3 cue card

The subject of travel frequently appears in the IELTS speaking part 3. Here are some potential exam questions and responses you might face during this segment.

These questions, derived from actual IELTS speaking exams, make excellent preparatory material for part 3 of the test. Use them to enhance your readiness for the upcoming exam.

Travel Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  1. What type of books do you think is more popular, digital or print books?
    I think that despite the growing popularity of electronic books, most people across the world continue to read paper books and magazines. This is even in big cities and towns in countries with advanced technology. Paper books just refuse to go out of style.
  2. Why do you think people prefer this type of books?
    This is because paper books are more intimate and tactile. It reminds us of childhood and growing up, and I think readers like to physically touch pages and turn them over. Touchscreens on e-readers don’t have the same vibe somehow. They are cold and without feeling in my opinion.
  3. Do you think this will change in the future? In what way?
    Hmm, I don’t think this will change unless policy makers decide to suddenly stop the production and supply of paper books, and force people into reading through e-readers and Kindles. It would be a pity I think if this does happen someday because books are one of the few remaining things that keep us connected to our past.
  4. Is it important to know how to read a map?
    Absolutely yes, especially for those who travel to foreign countries for work or for pleasure. Students who pursue their studies in foreign nations too ought to develop their map-reading skills. It’s an awful feeling to get lost in a new place. Luckily Google Maps has come to the rescue.
  5. Why can some people read a map better than others?
    They are probably more visual in their thinking and perception. There are so many kinds of intelligence, and spatial and visual intelligence is one of them. Reading a map comes to some people naturally, and I think they are very lucky to be able to do so. This is a life skill of sorts!
  6. Why do people like to travel to other places?
    Social media is largely responsible for this trend where people post photos of the places they travel to, the food they ate, the attractions they visited, and the memories they made. The “Like” and “Comments” are quite addictive and a strong reason why many choose to explore newer destinations. Some others travel to find themselves and get away from the urban rush.
  7. Should they learn about the place before traveling there? Why or why not?
    I personally think it’s a good idea to research a place before heading there just to avoid any nasty surprises. It could also help to save time, money and energy. It is not uncommon for tourists and newcomers to be cheated by unscrupulous touts so I think that forewarned is forearmed!

Travel Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  • Tactile – of or connected with the sense of touch
  • Spatial intelligence – Spatial intelligence is the concept of being able to successfully perceive and derive insight from visual data
  • Unscrupulous – having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair
  • Forewarned is forearmed – prior knowledge of possible dangers or problems gives one a tactical advantage

IELTS writing correction

Discussion 2

  1. How would you describe your experience there?
    My experience there was memorable. I had a blast exploring the different sites. I am very glad I went to the British Museum because it was so informative39, and it covered a range of eras and cultures. I felt truly refreshed and satisfied leaving the museum.
  2. Would you recommend that place to others?
    I would definitely recommend it! There is so much to experience there, and there is something for everybody, like pubs, theatres, museums and parks, amongst other things. Although, it is very big, so depending on the length of stay, I would recommend prioritising what you really want to see.
  3. Did you visit that city by yourself or with other people? If so, with whom?
    I visited the city with a friend. She is very similar to me and loves to learn and see new places. When it comes to going to museums, we both love to read all the information out there, so it was nice to not feel like I had to rush.
  4. Do you think you might want to go there again?
    I would love to go back there if I get the chance. There is still a lot more I want to do there, like exploring a few more museums and going on the London Eye. The view from there is supposed to be gorgeous.

Vocabulary for Discussion 2

  • . memorable = something that can be remembered a long time
  • I had a blast = i had a great time/so much fun
  • informative = full of informative and learning opportunities
  • range = selection
  • eras = periods of time in history
  • refreshed = reenergised, full of positive energy
  • satisfied = content, happy
  • length of stay = how long or how much time you spend in a place
  • prioritising = putting first
  • rush = be in a hurry, do something very quickly
  • supposed to be = is said to be, has a reputation of being
  •  gorgeous = really beautiful

Discussion 3

  1. How do people from your country feel about travelling abroad? Why?
    I think there are many people who like to travel abroad. Some areas of my country are a little remote, so the opportunity may not present itself to them as much. However, people who live in larger cities might be more likely to want to travel.
  2. How do people commute long distances in your country?
    A common way of doing that, apart from driving, is to take the train. It can get expensive, but there are several travel-pass options that can help some people. For those who travel on a regular basis, it may be more cost-effective to travel that way, or using buses.
  3. Why do some people decide to go abroad to work?
    I think that some people look to get out of their comfort zone, and one way of accomplishing that is through living in a foreign country and experiencing a brand-new culture. It could also be that those people prefer the lifestyle of a different country than their own.
  4. When do people normally travel abroad?
    Families generally like to take advantage of school breaks to travel, especially in the summer. School is out for several weeks, so it gives them ample time to enjoy an eventful and hopefully relaxing vacation. Winter holidays are also common, but not everyone will travel very far around that time.
  5. How do you think travel has changed in the last few decades?
    In some ways, I believe it has been made easier. Thanks to the internet, agencies can advertise their deals more easily, booking hotels and holidays can happen at the click of a mouse, and transportation has become more accessible regarding availability, although not necessarily in terms of price.

Vocabulary for Discussion 3

  • remote = located far from the main population
  • the opportunity may not present itself = someone may not get the chance
  • cost-effective = more value for money
  • get out of their comfort zone = find themselves in a situation and in a location with which they are not familiar
  • accomplishing = completing, achieving
  • brand-new = (in this case) never been experienced
  • take advantage of = seize the opportunity
  • school is out = school year has finished
  • ample time = plenty of time
  • eventful = full of activities, busy
  • at the click of a mouse = easily done on the internet

Discussion 4

  1. Do you like travelling?
    Yes, I absolutely love it. There is nothing better than getting away for a break and letting your hair down. I have been to quite a few places in Europe and I also flew long-haul to America a few years ago. Travelling is the ultimate freedom that we have.
  2. Do you travel frequently?
    Not as often as I would like to but I manage to get away once or twice a year. This year, I have been to London for a long weekend and also my family and I went camping in the south of France for a week. In an ideal world,  I would go globe trotting and visit all seven continents.
  3. What type of transport do you use?
    I usually travel by metro in the city as it is the fastest and most comfortable way to travel if you have to use public transport. There is no point in driving in Paris because of the traffic jams and restrictions. I occasionally take a taxi if I am in a rush.
  4. How has transport changed?
    We are very lucky nowadays as public transport is fast and reliable and we can get to most places quickly. In the past, trains would have been steam operated and taken much longer to reach the destination. On the other hand, the cost of public transport has really spiralled.
  5. What impact does travel have on the environment?
    Transport pollutes the air and this can have a negative impact on health. This is particularly bad if people travel solo in their car rather than using public transport or car sharing. Some of the modes of transport are getting greener, using electric or hydrogen power. Flying is one of the worst offenders but I don´t think many people consider the impact.
  6. Do you prefer using a car or using public transport?
    I don’t have my own car because I live in the city and it is easier to travel on public transport. For example, you can get across Paris in about half an hour by metro but in a car at rush hour it could take up to 2 hours to complete the same journey.
  7. Is travelling important?
    Travelling can help people to cut down on the stress in their lives by taking a holiday away from their normal lives. In addition, it can encourage people to learn about different cultures and ways of life which can only be a good thing and helps people to understand each other better.

Vocabulary for Discussion 4

  • let your hair down – relax
  • globe trotting – travelling the world
  • worst offender – the biggest cause of a problem
  • rush hour – time of day when traffic is busy
  • to cut down on – to reduce an activity or food

Discussion 5

  1. How often do you use public transport? Why?
    I use public transport almost everyday. As I live in a big city it makes sense to travel by metro or by bus to get across the city. If I am staying close to home I will go on foot or use the public bicycle system. It is not only convenient but also economical too. I rarely get a taxi as they can cost an arm and a leg.
  2. How often do you go by car?
    I occasionally travel by car if I am going somewhere outside of the city. I hardly ever use my car in the city as it is restricted and there is very little parking. However, if I need to take the motorway and it saves me time, I take my car. It is a no brainer because public transport does not connect all the towns in the North very well.
  3. What are the main causes of traffic jams?
    In the city, there are too many cars and not enough space. People are driving during rush hour and this causes congestion in some places. It is a better idea to use public transport so that the roads are clear and the air is less polluted.
  4. Do elderly people use public transport more than young people?
    It depends. A lot of older people use the buses because they don’t want the stress of driving anymore. On the other hand, young people use public transport because they cannot drive or cannot afford to run a car. Both groups can travel really cheaply on public transport, so it is economical for both groups.

Vocabulary for Discussion 5

  • cost an arm and a leg – very expensive
  • no brainer – logical
  • rush hour – busy time of day in a town or city

Discussion 6

  1. Do you like travelling by plane?
    I can’t say that I love flying, I feel a little nervous and suffer from motion sickness if there is turbulence. However, it is a means to an end because I love travelling and visiting new places and if that means flying, I will do it. I am not afraid of flying, I just don’t like the sensation.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane?
    By far the biggest advantage is the speed. You can get from A to B very quickly and easily nowadays. On the other hand, flying is not good for the environment and the fuel is polluting the planet. Another downside is that the flights can be quite expensive and going long-haul can cost an arm and a leg.
  3. How does travelling by plane compare to other modes of transport?
    Compared to going by train or bus, flying is much faster and more comfortable. Other public transport can be cheaper but less comfortable especially if you have to stand or it is overcrowded. Going by boat can be quite comfortable but will be time consuming and not something I would consider as I get seasick.
  4. Why do people travel by plane?
    People travel by plane to visit new places that are a long distance away and to visit family who live in other countries or continents. It is the easiest way to travel many miles. Flying has given us the opportunity to learn about new cultures and visit amazing places we have only seen on the TV. The world is a much smaller place now that we can fly abroad.

Vocabulary for Discussion 6

  • a means to an end – a method to complete a goal
  • long haul – long distance
  • cost an arm and a leg – very expensive

Discussion 7

  1. Is it easy to travel around your country?

    It is fairly easy. There are plenty of highways for cars to use, and bus routes in cities. We also have a good train system, which is extremely significant to my country’s infrastructure. All in all, I would say it is quite easy to travel around.

  2. In your opinion, which means of transportation is the safest?
    To me, in terms road safety, trains feel the safest. The wagons are placed on tracks, which would normally prevent them from derailing. They also seem sturdy and reliable. There are of course risks with trains, just like with any other means of transport, but I feel safest riding trains.
  3. Do you think travel is safer now than it used to be?
    I believe that safety measures have certainly improved over the years. For instance, up until the late 1980’s, seatbelts were not a legal requirement in my country. I am no mechanic or engineer, but I believe that fine tuning of safety tests and standards has taken place over the decades.
  4. What are advantages and disadvantages of using a GPS?
    A GPS can be incredibly helpful when traveling in an unfamiliar location. It can help save time by showing updated and mostly accurate routes to reach a given destination. Nonetheless, a GPS may sometimes be wrong. Also, relying on a GOS could eventually reduce a person’s innate sense of direction.
  5. Should governments invest in
    rail transports or road transports? Why?

    I believe they should invest in both, so long as they put a greater emphasis on public transportation. Public transportation would help save costs to the government and the people, and would aid the environment immeasurably. With so many cars on the road, carbon dioxide harmfully increases global temperature.

Vocabulary for Discussion 7

  • derailing = getting off the tracks
  • sturdy = solid and won’t move
  • fine tuning = updating and perfecting
  • innate = a quality someone is born with
  • sense of direction = the ability to know here you are and how to get to different places without any help
  • put a greater emphasis on = give greater importance to, focus more on

Discussion 8

  1. Have you kept in touch with her?
    I tried to go back and visit her when I came back from college for the holidays, but, as the years passed by, life got in the way and we lost contact. I certainly hope she is well and happy.
  2. If you had children, would you use the same approach to help them learn?
    Definitely. Mrs Martin was leading by example, and it has influenced me in a very positive way. I hope that I am able to impart such wisdom to my children. I think that if more people were like Mrs Martin, people’s sense of tolerance and respect would be far greater.

Vocabulary for Discussion 8

  • life got in the way = I/we got bust with responsibilities and life events that distracted us from keeping in touch
  • leading by example = acting as you think a person should behave, rather than talking about it
  • impart = transfer

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