Business IELTS Speaking Part 3 Cue Card Questions with Answers

Business is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.
The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.
Business Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- What kind of jobs are important in your city?In my view, the most important jobs in the city are those related to public services, like a bus driver or a paramedic. Without these people, the city would not run as efficiently and people would not be able to rely on getting from A to B or getting help in an emergency.
- Do you think a stressful job can affect one’s health in the future?Absolutely. I think stress can directly affect your health so I’m pretty sure that a high pressure job could have a long term effect. In my mind, if you have prolonged periods of stress at work you are bound to have a heart attack or suffer a related condition one day.
- Why is that?Well, if you think about it we have not evolved to cope with massive amounts of stress. When you get stressed you put strain on your heart, fight or flight mode. This is supposed to help you to function in emergency situations but if it continues, I think it could affect your heart or mental health.
- What is the retirement age in your country?The retirement age in the UK has recently changed to 66. People can choose to continue working if they wish but they will be entitled to a state pension. Gradually, the age of retirement is going up because people are living longer.
- What do people do in retirement in your country?Retired people take part in many different activities in my country. They might be happy to potter about at home, doing the gardening and having lunch with friends. Some take the opportunity to travel the world on a cruise. It depends, some people choose to wind down while others become more adventurous.
- What are the challenges of doing business in your country?There are a number of potential problems doing business, industries are very competitive. At this time, the price of goods is steeply rising so this is causing problems for manufacturing, supply of products and consumers. For example, the fuel crisis has made fuel so expensive that some companies could no longer fulfill their deliveries.
- What do you think about investment opportunities in your country?There are some examples of successful areas in which to invest in my country. I think it is a good time to invest in renewable energies such as solar or wind. The government has made some commitments to the world so they will probably make grants and loans available to companies who fulfill these commitments. In turn, individuals investing should see a payoff in the end
Business Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- get from A to B – travel between two points
- bound to – probable
- put a strain on – put pressure on
- entitled – to have the right to something, deserving
- to potter about – to move around without serious purpose, at home
- a payoff – a dividend, financial reward
Other IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test.
Discussion 2
- What is the most important business in your country?The sector in my country which has the most impact is probably the food and dairy industry. The biggest export is Scottish whisky and a lot of taxes and revenue are collected from its production. The UK has far less manufacturing industries nowadays so it is starting to look for more modern investment such as tech companies.
- What do you think about investment opportunities in your country?There are still opportunities to make money in my country but I believe that the type of industry is changing. It seems that investments in renewable energy and technology are the way forward as the country moves away from manufacturing and traditional industry. The result has been unemployment in factories and training for younger people to follow new careers.
- Do you know about any business person who made a significant change to your nation’s economy?The person who had the most impact on my country’s economy is probably someone like Jeff Bezoz, the CEO of Amazon. Like other countries, Amazon has made buying and selling easier which has helped small businesses. On the other hand, it has obliterated town centres and shopping centres as far more people are shopping from home and don´t venture to those areas.
- What are the challenges of doing business in your country?One of the main difficulties in the UK is the transition of Brexit. When the UK left the European Union there were lots of problems with trade, imports and exports. This has resulted in higher prices for goods, longer waiting times for delivery and a substantial decrease in the number of businesses trading with the UK and vice versa.
- How can these challenges be overcome?These difficulties can be resolved over time I think. If governments are prepared to compromise and negotiate I am sure that a deal can be made to improve trade and the lives of the people running businesses. The problem is that leaders can be stubborn or pig-headed, they need to try to reach an agreement.
Vocabulary for Discussion 2
- the way forward – the correct approach (idiom)
- to venture – to go further, explore
- vice versa – in the other direction
- stubborn/pig-headed – difficult to change opinion or attitude
Discussion 3
- What is the state of the local film industry in your country?The film sector in the UK is thriving, although it experienced a lot of difficulties during the pandemic. My country is known for producing lots of independent films with interesting storylines and gritty acting. We have some of the world´s best actors and actresses in my opinion and British films win lots of awards.
- What is the role of the film industry in our society?Film has a powerful role in society as it documents human behavior, it is a mirror really. Films represent cultural beliefs but also communicate different ways of life to other people. I think they are more than just a form of entertainment, they document history and important events that can be remembered in the future.
- Why should filmmakers portray history truthfully?Films are insights into the world at that time and will be viewed in the future. The importance of representing that era truthfully is crucial as the viewer may see that portrayal as factual. On the other hand, if films don´t claim to be historically accurate there needs to be freedom to make films that express imagination.
Vocabulary for Discussion 3
- thriving – prosperous and growing
- insights – a deep understanding of something
Discussion 4
- In your opinion, is it easier to do business now than it was before?I think it is to a large extent, what with the existence of the internet. A downside to such accessibility, however, is the competition that it engenders. More and more people give start-ups a try, which may make it more challenging to build a stable client base.
- What factors are important to ensuring the success of a business?I believe that a good business should have a clear idea of the products they are selling. It is often better to start small and then expand on the range of merchandise, to ensure gradual success. Another essential factor is the fair treatment of employees, including pay.
- Do you believe online businesses will replace conventional businesses in the future?Not entirely, I don’t think. I believe that people need human interaction by nature, which cannot be achieved through the use of online businesses alone. I also think that there are some businesses, like clothes shops and grocery stores, where many people prefer to purchase their goods in person.
- How can Information Technology help a business?The use of computers can aid with storing data, such as purchase records, invoices and inventories. Various software are designed to make data processing easier, helping with financial statistics that can provide information on a business’s profitability. Such easily accessible data can also help pinpoint any areas that need improving.
Vocabulary for Discussion 4
- engenders = causes, brings about
- gradual success = steps that slowly lead to success
- invoices = lists of items or services with their cost, bills
- inventories = a list of all the items available in a property, a store or a building
- profitability = the degree to which a business is producing financial gain
- pinpoint = locate exactly
Discussion 5
- Do you think successful people are happier than others?To me, success partially consists of financial comfort and possibly significant positive contributions to society, but is also highly dependent on relationships with others. You could fill your house with the most luxurious items, and still feel alone. Without human rapport, it is easy to be down in the dumps.
- What do you think of the existence of vocational courses in school?I think they are a very good option for students who struggle to fit within academic structures offered in universities. It is a great way of providing an early introduction to a field of interest to them, where they feel they can thrive.
- Should employers consider solely academic achievements in a job application?Absolutely not. There can sometimes be a wide gap between theory and practice. Some people may know the ropes of certain subjects, but find themselves unable to put their knowledge into action. Work experience is invaluable to consider in applications, sometimes more so than grades.
- Is being successful about getting what you want, or is it a societal expectation?I believe it is an amalgamation of both. Society does tend to encourage people to be successful and unleash their full potential, and I think that, to some extent, many humans have a desire to prove their worth, sometimes through showing that they can get what they want in life.
Vocabulary for Discussion 5
- luxurious = expensive and often unaffordable to most people
- rapport = relationship
- down in the dumps = depressed, unhappy
- thrive = grow and succeed
- know the ropes = have good knowledge of a certain subject
- grades = scores
- amalgamation = mixture
- unleash = reveal
- prove their worth = show what they are capable of
Discussion 6
- Do you agree with the claim that large companies gain popularity faster than local ones?I agree to a large degree. Large companies have more means to invest in their marketing strategies, which reach a wider audience. Nonetheless, some local businesses are able to make a name for themselves, which may not reach people globally, but will make them highly profitable locally or even nationally.
- Why do some people aim to work in large companies?I think that many people believe that large companies are more reliable because, if they are well-known, they must be well-established and able to care for their employees. Nevertheless, this is only sometimes accurate, as some large companies are notorious for underpaying or providing poor working conditions for their employees.
- Would you prefer to work for a large company, or a small one? Why?I would be happy either way. Right now, I am working at a reputable restaurant that’s local, although quite popular in town. I am happy to continue working in this kind of setting, although I would be interested in experiencing working in a large company, as well.
Vocabulary for Discussion 6
- make a name for themselves = become well-known
- notorious = famous for bad reasons
- reputable = having a good reputation