Country IELTS Speaking Part 3 Cue Card Questions with Answers

Country is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.
The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.
Country Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- Can you tell me about a custom that you are familiar with in your country?Yes, we have a festival called Raksha Bandhan where a sister ties a decorative thread (it’s a talisman of sorts) around her brother’s wrist as a symbol of love. In turn, the brother gives her cash or buys her clothes or some gifts. The festival usually falls in August, also called Shravan in the Hindu calendar.
- Do you feel that people should retain their country’s culture and traditions?Yes, in this world that’s evolving so quickly because of globalization, countries are quickly losing their identity and becoming homogenized. Everyone is dressing, looking, and behaving alike, and people are also forgetting the significance of their own native festivals. They’re busy with Valentine’s Day and Halloween! National costumes too will soon be a thing of the past, and saris and kurtas will become relics soon.
- What are the advantages of maintaining a nation’s culture and traditions?Retaining one’s own culture and traditions gives people a sense of pride and belonging. The Western world has become so homogenized that it’s hard to tell a Brit apart from an American, or an Australian. Developing nations ought to hold on to their culture because once it is lost, it is gone forever. It’s a pity to be swallowed and consumed by Western hegemony.
- Who should be more responsible for keeping a country’s culture alive: the people or the government?I think both play an equally important role. The government for its part must ensure that state languages are part of the school curriculum. Celebrities should be encouraged to speak in their mother tongue, and urge fans to take pride in doing the same. Holidays should be given at all major festivals, and parents should make it a point to celebrate them.
- Is it a good idea to absorb the customs and traditions of other countries?Not always. It is necessary to strike a balance. For example, in the pursuit of learning English, people have forgotten their own languages. In India, many kids these days cannot speak Hindi, Gujarati or their own mother tongue because they go to English-medium schools, and parents love to show off their kids who speak fluent English in American accents. It’s almost comical. Children these days don’t even know the significance of India’s biggest festival, Diwali – which is the triumph of good over evil. For the kids, it’s a time for sweets and firecrackers. In this case, parents ought to play their part and raise their kids to take pride in their roots.
Country Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- hegemony – leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others
- homogenized – made uniform or similar
- relic – an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical interest
Other IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test.
Discussion 2
- How do people find information in your country?Most people nowadays go straight to the internet and use a search browser for information. I know I use it several times a day to find locations, prices, schedules. It is most people’s preferred method rather than asking somebody or looking it up in a book. It is much easier than it used to be.
- How reliable is the information in your country?The information in Germany is generally reliable. It is a democratic country with freedom of the press. The media is quite accurate as it is governed by laws which give the limits of what they can and can’t do. Some media stations have a better reputation for accuracy than others.
- Which type of information can be unreliable?Some information you read on social media is unreliable because anyone can publish online. Although it is monitored to some degree, I get loads of spam related to fake news. The companies are trying to get you onto their sites so they use click-bait. In some cases, recognised sites like Wikipedia are unreliable as the public can update information without verifying its origin.
Vocabulary for Discussion 2
- look it up – find the information online or in a book
- spam – unwanted mail or information
- click bait – an online link which attracts attention
Discussion 3
- What makes people feel stressed?Many different things cause stress but some of the more common causes are work related problems and arguments in relationships. Other reasons can be moving house, having a baby, worrying about your health and financial difficulties. At the moment lots of people are struggling with money, they are trying to keep their heads above water.
- Why do you think it is?People work very hard nowadays and are constantly connected, they never really switch off as they are looking at messages and emails at all times of the day. Some people get stressed out by their family or partner and end up stressed after having a heated row. Additionally, people are working hard and having less money in the economic climate.
- What technological problems can cause people to feel stressed?I can relate to this because technology can be really frustrating when it doesn’t work properly. For example, when your connection fails midway through a video call or your laptop works really slowly when you are in a rush. In my experience, these are the things that annoy people.
Vocabulary for Discussion 3
- keep their heads above water – to survive financially
- heated row an angry disagreement
- midway through – in the middle of something, in progress
Discussion 4
- What are types of complaints in your country?People complain about different things. For some people, bad customer service may cause issues. They set the bar quite high, expecting a certain level of the treatment from employees. Others might complain about administration issues, such as inaccuracies in tax records, or improperly filed paperwork.
- Should there be some sort of compensation from a company to complaining customers?I believe that it really depends on the complaint. If it’s a genuine health and safety concern, like the story I’ve shared, then a compensation is in order. However, small complaints, such as being served a hot drink with a drip on the mug, certainly shouldn’t be addressed through compensation.
- Should people complain about everything with which they are dissatisfied?It’s perfectly acceptable to be unhappy in certain situations, but formally complaining about every single thing that bothers us is a tremendous waste of time and energy for all. Those complaining get worked up, and those who deal with the complaints lose valuable work time.
- Do you see yourself ever working in customer service?The field of Human Resources involves both of positive and negative interaction with people, so I hope I am ready for the job! It is certainly challenging to attend to people’s concerns and requests, but if done right, it can have great benefits. I’m ready to give it a try!
Vocabulary for Discussion 4
- set the bar = to establish an expected standard of quality
- drip = a line of liquid that flows downwards
- be addressed = (in this case) be dealt with
- worked up = gradually increase the levels of excitement to the point of getting anxious or angry
- attend to = deal with
Discussion 5
- Do you think that laws should be obeyed?I certainly believe that many laws should be respected, to avoid chaos. However, societies change over time, and laws therefore need to be modified accordingly. If the existing laws no longer reflect society and are harmful to people, I believe it is sometimes acceptable to disobey them.
- Why do you think some people break the law?I believe that wealth disparity is a huge factor. Some people may not be able to afford the most basic of items, such as food or hygienic products, and they may need to resort to stealing to survive. Additionally, if laws don’t adapt to societies, they may consequently be broken.
- Why is it important to have laws in a country?It is important to have laws to ensure some sense of stability in a society. Laws are designed to ensure anarchy does not occur. With anarchy, there is no authority that controls certain behaviours, which can result in the endangerment of people, including murder and abuse.
- In which situations do you think are international laws are necessary?I think those are necessary when lives are affected by certain practices. For instance, when it comes to doing business, labour standards are of the essence, in order to ensure that employees are treated humanely and are provided with equal working conditions.
Vocabulary for Discussion 5
- chaos = disorder
- wealth disparity = unequal distribution of wealth/money
- resort to = to choose an action that is less favourable but necessary
- anarchy = a state of disorder with no authority to control the situation
Discussion 6
- Is there a high number of police officers in your country?While there definitely are police officers, I don’t think that the number is very high. There are under two-hundred police officers per one hundred thousand inhabitants. I can’t say that I see them very often, but they can be found in some areas in large cities.
- What, in your opinion, makes a good lawyer?To me a good lawyer needs to have excellent attention to detail and be able to think on their feet. A good lawyer, to me personally, is someone who fights to defend victims, rather than ignoring their moral conscience and supports the offenders.
- Are you familiar with international laws?Unfortunately, I am not very well-versed in international laws. I believe that they are important and necessary in order to maintain peace and healthy relationships with other countries. I am grateful that they exist, as they allow for smoother communication and potential trading across nations.
- With which nations does your country share international laws?Norway had very good relations with the European Union and the United States of America. It cooperates very well with other Nordic countries, such as Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. This very helpful from cultural, economic, social an political perspectives.
Vocabulary for Discussion 6
- attention to detail = ability to identify details
- think on their feet = think quickly in response to a situation they were not prepared for
- moral conscience = the ability to differentiate between right or wrong
- well-versed in = familiar with, knowledgeable about
- cooperates = acts with others as part of a team