PTE Listening Section

The PTE Academic Listening section assesses your ability to comprehend spoken English in academic settings. Although listening may seem easy, it can be highly challenging without mastering key skills like critical thinking, note-taking, and comprehension. Factors such as varying accents, complex vocabulary, and fast speech can make it difficult to catch essential details if you are unprepared. Effective listening requires decoding meaning, identifying important points, and making inferences. This guide outlines each PTE listening task type, scoring criteria, and expert strategies to help you practice effectively.

For more practice resources, visit Benchmark PTE Listening Practice.

Ways to Improve Your PTE Listening Skills

To succeed in the PTE Listening section, consistent practice combined with strategic learning is essential. Here are practical ways to sharpen your listening skills:

  1. Practice with Varied Audio Resources: Listen to podcasts, academic lectures, news broadcasts, and audiobooks to train your ears for different accents, speeds, and academic vocabulary.
  2. Improve Note-Taking Techniques: Develop shorthand methods and practice summarizing key points from short audio clips to improve efficiency during the test.
  3. Focus on Vocabulary and Context Clues: Build your academic vocabulary to understand unfamiliar words through context.
  4. Take Timed Practice Tests: Use platforms like Benchmark PTE Login to simulate real exam conditions.
  5. Review and Analyze Mistakes: Go through previous practice tests to identify weak areas and improve them.
  6. Join Study Groups or Forums: Participate in discussions with peers to gain insights and learn new strategies.

Key PTE Listening Tasks Explained with Tips & Scoring Criteria

1. Summarize Spoken Text (Listening and Writing)

Task: In this question type, you will hear a short lecture. You are then required to write a summary of that lecture in 50-70 words.

Time allowed: 10 minutes

  • Skills: Listening, Writing
  • Scoring: Based on content, form, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.
Scoring CriteriaScoreDescription
Content2Full summary with all key points.
1Fair summary with one or two minor omissions.
0Omits or distorts key points.
Form2Summary length is 50–70 words.
1Length is 40–49 or 71–100 words.
0Length under 40 or over 100 words, or improper format (e.g., all caps, no punctuation, or bullet points only).
Grammar2No grammatical errors.
1Minor errors that do not affect clarity.
0Major errors that affect understanding.
Vocabulary2Correct and appropriate word choice.
1Some minor lexical errors without impacting understanding.
0Poor word choice that hinders comprehension.
Spelling2No spelling errors.
1One spelling error.
0Multiple spelling errors.
  • How to Improve: Practice summarizing podcasts or TED Talks in under 70 words. Use Benchmark PTE practice platform.
  • Tip: Use bullet points during note-taking to capture main ideas quickly.

2. Multiple-Choice, Choose Multiple Answers (Listening)

Task: Listen to the recording and answer the question by selecting more than one correct response.

  • Skills: Listening
  • Scoring: Partial credit (+1 for correct, -1 for incorrect answers)

PTE Listening Scoring Summary (Partial Credit System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Response+1 point for each correct answer
Incorrect Response-1 point for each incorrect answer
Minimum Score0 points (no negative scores below zero)

This scoring method uses a partial credit system, deducting points for incorrect selections, making careful and accurate answers crucial. Your overall score in this question type cannot go below ZERO.

  • How to Improve: Practice listening for key arguments and distinguishing facts from opinions.
  • Tip: Eliminate obviously wrong choices before selecting your answers. There is no overall negative marking. So, answer at least one correct option instead of leaving the question altogether.
PTE Practice

3. Fill in the Blanks (Listening and Writing)

Task: Listen to the recording and type the missing words in each blank.

  • Skills: Listening, Writing
  • Scoring: 1 point per correct word

PTE Listening and Writing Scoring Summary (Partial Credit System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Word Spelling+1 point for each correctly spelled word
Minimum Score0 points (no score below zero)

This scoring system awards points for each correctly spelled word, emphasizing accuracy in spelling while listening and writing.

  • How to Improve: Use dictation exercises daily.
  • Tip: Focus on improving spelling and grammar through regular writing practice.

Learn to type fast.

Use the tab button on the keyboard to go to the next blank instead of moving the mouse cursor.

4. Highlight Correct Summary (Listening and Reading)

Task: Listen to the recording and click on the paragraph option that best relates to the recording.

  • Skills: Listening, Reading
  • Scoring: 1 point for the correct summary

PTE Listening and Reading Scoring Summary (Correct/Incorrect System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Response+1 point for each correct answer
Incorrect Response0 points for an incorrect answer

This scoring method follows a simple correct/incorrect system, awarding one point for correct answers with no partial credit for incorrect responses.

  • How to Improve: Practice summarizing audio clips into single-sentence summaries.
  • Tip: Concentrate on the speaker’s conclusion and supporting points.

Start reading the summary options until the audio starts.

Do not skip the question and make an informed guess if you are not sure about the right answer.

5. Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer (Listening)

Task: Listen to the recording and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. You get to select only one option.

  • Skills: Listening
  • Scoring: 1 point for the correct option

PTE Listening Scoring Summary (Correct/Incorrect System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Response+1 point for each correct answer
Incorrect Response0 points for an incorrect answer

This scoring method uses a simple correct/incorrect system, awarding one point for correct answers without partial credit for incorrect responses.

  • How to Improve: Practice listening for transition words like “However,” “Therefore,” or “In conclusion.”
  • Tip: Stay alert for subtle cues indicating the speaker’s main point.

Start reading the options until the audio starts.

Do not skip the question and make an informed guess if you are not sure about the right answer.

6. Select Missing Word (Listening)

Task: You will hear a recording about a certain topic. There will be a beep sound at the end of the recording. The beep basically replaces the last word or group of words which will be mentioned as one of the answer options along with the incorrect ones. You will need to select the correct option to complete the recording.

  • Skills: Listening
  • Scoring: 1 point for the correct word

PTE Listening Scoring Summary (Correct/Incorrect System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Response+1 point for each correct answer
Incorrect Response0 points for an incorrect answer

This scoring method uses a simple correct/incorrect system, awarding one point for correct answers without partial credit for incorrect responses.

  • How to Improve: Practice with cloze test exercises.
  • Tip: Use contextual clues from the speaker’s tone to anticipate the missing word.

Start reading the options until the audio starts.

Do not skip the question and make an informed guess if you are not sure about the right answer.

7. Highlight Incorrect Words (Listening and Reading)

Task: You will hear a recording. There will be a transcript below in which some of the words in the transcript differ from what the speaker said. You will need to click on those words.

  • Skills: Listening, Reading
  • Scoring: Partial credit (+1 correct, -1 incorrect)

PTE Listening and Reading Scoring Summary (Partial Credit System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Word+1 point for each correct word
Incorrect Word-1 point for each incorrect word
Minimum Score0 points (no negative scoring)

This scoring method allows partial credit but deducts points for incorrect selections. If incorrect selections equal correct ones, the total score for that item can be zero.

  • How to Improve: Practice with transcripts from podcasts, highlighting errors as you listen.
  • Tip: Focus on matching words precisely with the spoken text.

Keep your mouse cursor moving along the transcript while listening to the recording to allow for faster click on the wrong words.

Do not click randomly as there is a negative marking involved.

8. Write from Dictation (Listening and Writing)

Task: You will hear a sentence. You will need to type the sentence in the answer box exactly as you hear it. The audio will be played once only to listen carefully and write as much of the sentence as you remember.

  • Skills: Listening, Writing
  • Scoring: 1 point per correct word

PTE Listening and Writing Scoring Summary (Partial Credit System)

Scoring CriteriaPoints
Correct Spelling+1 point for each correctly spelled word
Incorrect or Misspelled Word0 points for each incorrect or misspelled word

This scoring method awards points for correct spelling and gives no points for misspelled words, emphasizing accuracy in writing from dictation tasks.

  • How to Improve: Dictation exercises with increasing difficulty.
  • Tip: Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

As this question type contributes maximum scores in the listening section, do not skip it.

Effective Strategies for PTE Listening Practice

  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Take official mock tests regularly under timed conditions.
  • Use Dictation Tools: Practice transcription using online tools.
  • Join Online Communities: Connect with fellow test-takers for shared tips and strategies.
  • Utilize Free Resources: Access listening practice on platforms like EduBenchmark.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in PTE Listening

1. Ignoring Instructions (e.g., Word Limits in Summaries)

Failing to follow instructions, such as exceeding or falling short of the word limit in the Summarize Spoken Text task, can result in lost points.

  • Example: Writing a 100-word summary when the requirement is 50–70 words leads to a score of zero for form.
  • Solution: Practice timed summaries, using templates that limit responses to 50–70 words.

2. Over-guessing in Multiple-Choice Questions

Selecting multiple answers without certainty can lead to penalties since the test deducts points for incorrect responses.

  • Example: In the Multiple-Choice, Choose Multiple Answers task, selecting four options with only two correct ones results in deductions.
  • Solution: Focus on identifying key points from the audio, and only select answers you are confident about.

3. Poor Time Management

Mismanaging time can cause you to rush through tasks or leave questions unanswered.

  • Example: Spending too long on Highlight Incorrect Words can leave insufficient time for Write from Dictation.
  • Solution: Practice with mock tests under exam conditions. Allocate time based on the number of tasks, ensuring you finish with a few minutes to review.

4. Skipping Reviews (Especially for Fill-in-the-Blanks and Dictation)

Not reviewing your answers can lead to careless mistakes, especially in tasks where spelling and accuracy are crucial.

  • Example: In the Fill in the Blanks task, a minor spelling error like writing recieve instead of receive results in zero points.
  • Solution: Allocate 30 seconds per task to review responses, focusing on spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

By practicing these solutions and staying mindful of common mistakes, you can improve your performance and maximize your PTE Listening score.

FAQs About PTE Listening

Q: How long is the PTE Listening section?
A: 30–43 minutes.

Q: Can I replay the audio?
A: No, you only hear the audio once.

Q: Which task is the hardest?
A: Many test-takers find Highlight Incorrect Words difficult due to its fast-paced nature.

Q: Which listening question types are more important than others?
A: While you should aim to answer all listening questions, it’s always a good idea to practice Write from Dictation more as you can get up to 4 questions. This question type contributes 24.5 marks towards the listening section and 24.8 marks towards the writing section. More about PTE Score Contribution based on question type here. Also, work on Fill in the Blanks for the same reason as it contributes high marks towards listening and writing.

Final Thoughts

The PTE Listening section is more than just hearing—it requires active engagement and analytical thinking. To master it, incorporate consistent practice with high-quality resources. Platforms like Benchmark PTE Listening Practice provide excellent tools for targeted improvement. With dedication and the right strategies, you can confidently approach the PTE Listening section and achieve your target score.

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