study ielts speaking part 1

Study is a topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 1. Below you will find a list of some example questions and answers that you could encounter during part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking Part 1 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Study Speaking Part 1 – Set 1

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am studying psychology for my MA at the University of London at the moment but I’m also studying English, but that’s always ongoing.
  2. Did you study history in school?
    Yes, I studied history all the way through school. Like most kids here in the UK, we started with the Romans in Britain and worked our way up to the 21st century. I did an ‘A’ Level in Modern History which covered the 20th century and a bit of this century.

Study Vocabulary Speaking Part 1 – Set 1

  • ‘Be’ Ongoing– Continuing/happening currently
  • Kids– Children (slang)

Set 2

  1. Do you work or are you a student?
    I am a student at King’s College in London. I am studying to be a physiotherapist. My dad had an accident when he was working and damaged his back – that inspired me to take up physiotherapy. I´m in my second year and it is so interesting learning about the human body.
  2. What do you enjoy most about studying?
    Personally, I really enjoy the practical parts of the course. I have a mentor who I shadow, watching them in practice. At this stage, I am allowed to undertake some of the procedures and work with real patients which is rewarding as you see the progress

Set 2

  • take up – start a new hobby or activity
  • to shadow – to watch and copy another person

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Set 3

  1. Where are you from?
    I´m from London. I have always loved living in a big city as there is so much to do and all my friends live in London and we hang out together going to plays at the theatre.
  2. Do you work or study?
    I’m a student at King’s College in London where I am studying to be a midwife. The course is quite hard but I have met a lot of other people who are studying too which makes it all worthwhile.
  3. What do you do?
    During the week I am attending lectures and seminars during the day and when I get home I usually need to read some textbooks or write an essay. So by the end of the week I’m shattered.
  4. Can you describe your job?
    I´m not working right now but next year I will be a qualified midwife so I can describe that job. It involves helping mothers give birth safely and looking after them and their babies whilst they are in hospital.

Set 3 Vocabulary

  • midwife – nurse trained to help women in childbirth
  • lectures – university classes
  • give birth – have a baby

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Set 4

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at university, that’s why I came to London. I heard that the UK has some of the best universities so I applied and was accepted; I was delighted.
  2. What do you do?
    I study economics because I want to start a business one day or become a banker. I attend lectures most days and then I have to undertake projects and write essays and study the economic market of different countries.
  3. Do you like your job/course?
    Most of the time I like the course, although the workload is challenging. I often go to bed late and wake up early to do all my students and hand my work in on time. It will all be worth it though in the end.
  4. Why do you like it?
    I like it for many reasons. Firstly, the professors are really knowledgeable and switched on. Secondly, I have made some close friends and get to hang out in one of the coolest cities in the world in my free time.

Set 4 Vocabulary

  • delighted– very happy
  • undertake– do
  • workload– quantity of work
  • switched on – intelligent (colloquial)

Set 5

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at high school. It is a small local school and it only takes 5 minutes to walk there everyday. The classes are really small which helps when you are trying to take in information in class.
  2. What do you do?
    Sometimes I work on the farm, helping to milk the cows and take care of the animals. The fun part is using the quad bikes to zip around the meadows. I don’t usually help during the week as I have to study and go to school but at the weekends I enjoy it.

Set 5 Vocabulary

  • take in (information) – absorb, understand
  • meadows – fields

Set 6

  1. Do you work or study?
    I study at the University of Bristol.
  2. What do you do?
    I study Art at the university. I started the course last year and I am really enjoying it. I live on campus and live with other students who are also studying art. Most days, I am at lectures about art history or I am in the studio painting or drawing.

Set 7

  1. Do you enjoy studying?
    I study fashion and I am really passionate about it so I am lucky that I really find it exciting and fun. I get to follow lots of fashion pages and create my own clothes. Of course, writing essays until late at night is no fun but weighing everything up, I really enjoy my course.

Set 7 Vocabulary

  • weigh everything up – assess something

Set 8

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am studying at high school. It is my final year so I have to take a lot of exams and really knuckle down if I want to pass. I enjoy English and Maths classes, those I do well at.
  2. Is there anything you dislike about school?
    Exams! I think it puts a lot of pressure on students to have so many exams at the same time of year. It would be better if they were spread out across the year or even if we were marked on coursework.

Set 8 Vocabulary

  • knuckle down – to do something seriously
  • spread out – to arrange something over a large area

Set 9

  1. Are working or studying?
    I am studying International Environmental Law at university. I am interested in environmental issues and I want to help raise awareness. Hopefully with this degree I can make a difference.

Set 9 Vocabulary

  • raise awareness – responsible for

Set 10

  1. Do you work or are you a student?
    I am a student at Birmingham Law School. I have always had a strong interest in Law and Criminology and I hope to gain a better understanding of the subject.
  2. How easy to study do you find this subject to be?
    It is made easier by my passion for it, but there are some aspects of the course
    which are a little more difficult to learn than others. It really depends on the module.
  3. Do you know where you would like to work in the future? Why?
    I would like to become a lawyer and work on crime-related cases, but I am not sure
    just yet if I want to work for a big law firm or not.

Set 10 Vocabulary

  • criminology – the scientific approach to studying crime and criminals
  • passion – strong interest or emotional connection to something
  • module – a subject of study that makes part of the overall course of study

Set 11

  1. I would like to learn a little more about you. Do you work or study?
    I am currently completing my undergraduate course in Electrical Engineering at Durham University, in England. Physics has been my favourite subject for as long as I can remember, and I intend to pursue a career in that field.
  2. Are you enjoying your course?
    Very much so. I get to attend lectures on the subject, but I also have the opportunity to use their laboratories which is fantastic. I am definitely a kinaesthetic individual, so this is great for me.

Set 11 Vocabulary

  • pursue – follow
  • kinaesthetic – learning through doing

Set 12

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a Chiropractics student at Chiropraktik Akademie. I decided to pursue a career i the field after some kinfolks of mine began to experience muscle problems a few years ago.
  2. What helps you study and learn?
    I find study groups quite helpful. We use flashcards to memorise technical terms, especially body parts, and we test each other’s knowledge. I am a visual learner, so I have many posters in my rooms, which help me a lot.

Set 12 Vocabulary

  • kinfolks – relatives
  • flashcards – notes that are often used for studying, often containing terms and their definitions, or key points to cover during presentations
  • visual learner – a person who learns best through memorising what they see

Set 13

  1. Do you have an occupation or are you a student?
    I study Art History at university for my undergraduate course, and I am enjoying every minute of it. I have always had a keen interest in the arts, and I aim to pursue a career in that field.

Set 13 Vocabulary

  • career aspiration – career goal

Set 14

  1. Do you work or study?
    I study Mathematics at university. I chose it because I want to do something like accounting or economics.
  2. What subjects did you study at school? Why?
    A lot of the classes in high school were compulsory, so we had to study Maths, English and Science. After that we could elect to study Drama or Art, History or Geography. I chose Drama as I like to perform and also History as I am fascinated by the past.
  3. Which subjects did you like or dislike? Why?
    I really loved my Drama classes as we had a really interesting and talented teacher. She would really encourage us to open up and express ourselves through drama. I really detested science as I knew that I wasn’t going to use the skills in later life.

Set 14 Vocabulary

  • compulsory – mandatory, without choice
  • to open up – to express emotion

Set 15

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at college, I am studying for my exams in Maths, History and English. I would like to go to university in England, that is why I am studying hard as I want to travel and see the world.
  2. How did you choose what to study?
    I chose English because I think it will help me later in my career. I am passionate about history and want to work in archeology in some way. It is hard to make your mind up about what to study but I think I have made the right choices.

Set 16

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at the University of Istanbul and I am studying economics. I only started there a few months ago so it has been a shock to the system moving from a small town to the city. At first I was a fish out of water but I’ve settled in now.
  2. Why did you choose this course to study?
    I think there are lots of jobs available in economics and finance. I wanted to give myself the best chance of employment and I think that this course will set me up to get a job in the banking or finance sector – fingers crossed!
  3. What courses are popular among your friends?
    I have friends who have also done economics. I think the most popular courses now are the technical courses related to working online or developing applications etc. If you look at the job market, there are lots of opportunities in these areas so these courses are inundated with applicants.

Set 16 Vocabulary

  • like a fish out of water – uncomfortable in an unfamiliar situation
  • fingers crossed – hope that something positive will happen
  • inundated – too much of something

Set 17

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at the University of Leicester. I am studying to become a doctor so I am doing a degree in medicine for 5 years. It is hard work and you have to study a lot of text books and do practical work to prove you have learnt everything.
  2. What are you planning to study in the future?
    I am not sure but I think I will go on to study different specialisms of medicine until I find something that really suits me. I like the idea of studying neuroscience but from where I am now it seems like a big mountain to climb so I have time to decide.

Set 17 Vocabulary

  • a mountain to climb – an enormous amount of work to do

Set 18

  1. Do you work or study?
    I am a student studying medicine at Valencia University. I want to be a surgeon when I graduate and to make a difference to people’s lives. It is a 4 year course, I´m in my second year.
  2. Do you like studying?
    The course is really interesting, the human body and medicine is fascinating. On the other hand, I don’t enjoy the endless writing and study I have to do. I am under a lot of pressure but it will be worth it in the end.

Set 18 Vocabulary

  • to worth it – the positives are more than the costs

Set 19

  1. Do you have an occupation or do study?
    I am a Geology PhD student at university. When I mention that to people, they tend to seem confused or disinterested, but to me this subject is fascinating, as it provides insight into the formation of our planet.
  2. Are you enjoying your course?
    Very much so. I think that many people take the Earth’s structure for granted, when it has been through some phenomenal transformations. The more I learn the further I want to explore the subject.

Set 19 Vocabulary

  • insight – deeper understanding
  • take for granted – failing to properly appreciate something or someone when too familiar with them or with it.
  • phenomenal – incredible

Set 20

  1. Do you have an occupation or are you a student?
    I study electrical engineering at university. I am very passionate about technological development and I would love to contribute to the field.

Set 21

  1. Do you have an occupation or do you study?
    I am a Molecular Biology student at the University of London. Biology has always been my favourite subject in school, and I believe it offers insight into the way the world we live in works.
  2. What job would you like to have in the future? Why?
    After I graduate, I hope to use my knowledge to work in the field of ecology. I learn plenty about molecular structures of both humans and plants, and the latter catch my attention the most.

Set 21 Vocabulary

  • offers insight – provides explanation
  • catch my attention – spark particular interest

Set 22

  1. Do you have a job or are you a student?
    I am an Archaeology student at university. I have always found the subject of history fascinating, and I believe studying archaeology would open doors for me to explore and study historical discoveries that will increase our understanding of the world.

Set 22 Vocabulary

  • open doors – offer opportunities

Set 23

  1. Do you have an occupation or are you a student?
    I am a Marine Biology student at university. I am currently completing the third year of my course. Living in a country surrounded by water ignited my deep interest in sea creatures and life.

Set 23 Vocabulary

  • ignited – sparked, started

Set 24

  1. Do you work or are you a student?
    I am currently completing my undergraduate course in Graphic Design. I have always possessed a keen interest in visual storytelling, and I believe Graphic Design is a way of exploring the field more profoundly.
  2. What techniques do you find useful for studying?
    Due to the creative nature of the course, I find that completing any assignments with background music helps spark inspiration in me. I also enjoy visiting museums to keep the flow of creativity going.

Set 24 Vocabulary

  • keen interest in – strong interest in
  • profoundly – deeply
  • spark inspiration – generate inspiration

Set 25

  1. Are you a student or do you have an occupation?
    I am a university student. I study Fine Art at the Sorbonne. Ever since I can remember myself, I have been fascinated by art and art supplies, particularly watercolour. I decided to delve into the field of arts by completing this undergraduate degree.

Set 25 Vocabulary

  • populous – full of people
  • cosmopolitan – has people from a range of nationalities and cultures

Set 26

  1. Do you study or work?
    I study psychology at Bristol University. I am in my second year there. Most days I go to lectures on campus and other times I study at home. It is a really interesting subject as you learn about the habits of people and what makes them tick.
  2. Do you think your field of study can be beneficial for society? Why?
    I believe that this area of study is really advantageous for society because it helps us to understand why human beings do what they do. This can enable us to solve crimes, carry out research and in the end help us to evolve as a society.

Set 26 Vocabulary

  • what makes somebody tick – motivates people
  • advantageous – with advantages, benefits

Set 27

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from Northampton, a town in the UK. It is a medium sized town with a small university. It is well known for shoe making and the All Saints Rugby Club.
  2. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at the university. I am studying Drama and English literature. I love reading, writing and acting so I decided to combine them with the hope of someday becoming a playwright. I am part of the university drama society, we do plays at the local theatre.

Set 27 Vocabulary

  • playwright – a person who writes drama for the theatre

Set 28

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from London, a borough called Clapham. I live there with my flatmates because it is very expensive to live alone in London.
  2. Do you work or study?
    I am a student at King’s College and I am studying physiotherapy. This involves training to help people after they have had an accident of injury to get back on their feet again. It is really challenging but also rewarding.
  3. Do you take breaks at work?
    When I am studying or training as a physio, I am able to take a break every 4 hours. For me it is important during that break to take the weight of my feet, get a coffee and check my emails and messages. The days are long so the short breaks we get are precious.
  4. Do you ever take short naps?
    I never usually take short naps during the day, it makes me feel more tired and it is difficult to get going again. Sometimes, at the weekend I will take a nap, in order to get over a late night or a hangover for example. That can help me to catch up on some sleep and I feel better.

Set 28 Vocabulary

  • to take the weight off your feet – to sit down
  • hangover – negative effects of drinking alcohol

Set 29

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from London, in England. London is the capital city of England and a cosmopolitan city. It a very popular tourist destination, and visitors come to see a plethora of landmarks, including Big Ben, the House of Parliament and Saint Paul Cathedral.
  2. Do you work or study?
    I study history at university. I am currently completing the first year of my degree and I am very satisfied with my studies so far.

Set 29 Vocabulary

  • cosmopolitan – which has people from a range of nationalities and cultures
  • plethora – range

Set 30

  1. Do you like doing maths? Why or why not?
    No, I don’t really enjoy maths, I was never naturally good at it and had a hard time at school trying to pick up algebra for example. I feel flummoxed by numbers, I’m more of an arts and language person.
  2. Is it important to study maths?
    To some degree, yes. I think maths should focus on the things you need to use in your day to day life and that will be useful, not equations and algebra. I remember wasting hours on maths that I have never used since, I was always getting the wrong end of the stick and mixing up the numbers.
  3. How is maths useful on a day to day basis?
    Personally, I use very little maths in my daily life. I use my smartphone for calculations and apps for exchanging money or amounts. I suppose I use maths when I pay with cash to check my change. Also for calculating how long a task at work might take.

Set 30 Vocabulary

  • flummoxed by – confused
  • get the wrong end of the stick – to misunderstand

Set 31

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from Pakistan but I live in the UK. My family moved to the UK a few years ago and started a family business. We still have lots of family back in Pakistan but the UK is a great place to live with lots of opportunities.
  2. When did you first start learning mathematics?
    I must have learned basic maths when I was in primary school in Pakistan but it only included basic sums, algebra etc. Then teachers said being able to do maths was important and we would´t always be able to rely on a calculator but that was so wrong now that we have smartphones.
  3. How were you taught mathematics?
    I think it was based on being able to memorise things rather than to understand them. I remember doing the times table over and over again until it was perfect and one of the teachers didn’t let you go home until it was spot on.
  4. How often do you visit your relatives?
    A lot of my family are in Pakistan so I only see them once every couple of years. My immediate family are very close so we see each other everyday and practically live in each other’s pockets. We have dinner together and talk about our day.

Set 31 Vocabulary

  • spot on – exactly right
  • live in each others pockets – to spend a lot of time together

Set 32

  1. Where are you from?
    I live in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. It is the largest city with the biggest population. As well as a lot of history dating back to the Stone Age, Helsinki is a modern city with lots of innovation to improve the environment.
  2. Do you work or study?
    I work in an art museum during the day. I offer guided tours to visitors around the permanent and temporary exhibitions, giving them information and answering any questions they have. It is a rewarding job that I enjoy.
  3. Do you think people should be more patient?
    I think humans are impatient nowadays as we are used to things happening quickly with the help of technology. I think people could be more patient with each other, for example being kinder online or not pushing in front of each other in a queue.
  4. What are examples of hard and easy jobs?
    In my opinion, a really difficult job is a surgeon because you have somebody’s life in your hands and often the outcome is life or death so the pressure must be intense. An easier job would be working in a library because it is a calm, relaxed environment with simple processes. The difficulty is reflected in the salary.
  5. What are examples of hard and easy jobs?
    In my opinion, a really difficult job is a surgeon because you have somebody’s life in your hands and often the outcome is life or death so the pressure must be intense. An easier job would be working in a library because it is a calm, relaxed environment with simple processes. The difficulty is reflected in the salary.
  6. Should people who do hard jobs be paid more?
    Of course because that person has probably studied for a long time and brings a lot of skill and experience to the job they do, that must be reflected in the salary. On the other hand, there are some jobs that are low paid and difficult; things that most people don’t want to do so I think that these jobs should be paid more to incentivise people to do them.

Set 32 Vocabulary

  • dating back to – from this time in the past
  • rewarding – satisfying
  • to push in – to go in front of another person in a queue without permission

Set 33

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from Suva, in Fiji. Suva is the capital city of Fiji and it is its largest metropolitan city. There are some really beautiful nature sights, including waterfalls and forest parks.
  2. Could you tell me more about your course?
    Yes, of course. I need to take several modules every year. We look at the study of ancient archaeology as well as architecture in various cultures. We start at the very beginning before the great ancient civilisations were ever formed.
  3. Do you feel the course is helping you?
    Absolutely. It really is eye-opening and astonishing to learn how different groups of people lived and what they considered their homes. It is truly fascinating. The course helps me realise just how important archaeology is to understanding the course of history.

Set 33 Vocabulary

  • eye-opening – as expected
  • astonishing – causing surprise and wonder

Set 34

  1. Where are you from?
    I come from Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States. Phoenix is the capital city of Arizona. There are hiking trails and a desert botanical garden for people to enjoy, amongst many other activities.
  2. Do you work or are you a student?
    I am a student. I study Art at university. I have always had a keen interest for art and I decided to delve into the topic with my course.
  3. Do you enjoy your course?
    I do! We cover a plethora of subjects and art movements in history, which I personally find fascinating. It’s really helping me find my own personal style.
  4. What kinds of things do you enjoy sharing with other people?
    I enjoy sharing food. I find it very rewarding to cook for other people. I also enjoy sharing my music with friend and family. I am an avid music lover and I enjoy coming across new music all the time.

Set 34 Vocabulary

  • delve into – (in this case) study in greater detail
  • plethora – range
  • rewarding – providing a sense of accomplishment
  • avid – passionate

Set 35

  1. Where are you from?
    I was born in Toulouse in France. I was brought up there by my parents in a village near there. It is a beautiful place with incredible scenery. I still go back there regularly as my parents and sister live in the area.
  2. Where do you live?
    I live in Paris, I can’t quite believe it but I was able to get into a university there and moved to the city 2 years ago. It is such a great place to live with all the romantic architecture and awe inspiring monuments. The only downside is that it is incredibly expensive to live there.
  3. What do you study and why?
    I am an undergraduate studying the history of art. I have always been creative and wanted to study in Paris, the art capital of France. I made it on to the course by the skin of my teeth, somebody else dropped out and I accepted the offer to do the course. I love studying art and spend a lot of time visiting art galleries and exhibitions in the city.
  4. Do you ever read newspapers or books?
    I read both. I am a keen reader so I always have a good book on the go. I only read newspapers occasionally if I am trying to pass the time on a train or bus for example. I couldn’t live without my e-reader as when I travel I can always download a book.
  5. What do you find more interesting, newspapers or books?
    Books are far more interesting to me as you can really get immersed in another character´s world and if a book is written well, it includes dramatic cliffhangers and it is difficult to put down. Books are an escape from everyday life whereas newspapers can be a bit depressing as there is not much good news around at the moment.
  6. Did you read comics when you were a child?
    I don´t remember clearly but I am sure that I used to read comics occasionally when I was a child. I used to like the cartoon characters and reading about their adventures but it was never a hobby I was mad about overall.

Set 35 Vocabulary

  • brought up – to be educated (by parents)
  • awe inspiring – amazing
  • by the skin of your teeth – only just succeeded, managed to do something
  • to have something on the go – busy with something
  • cliffhangers – moments of suspense in a book or film
  • mad about – like a lot

Set 36

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from Los Angeles, California, in the United States of America. Los Angeles is an incredibly vivid city, where there is something for everyone to enjoy. You can explore a number of parks and visit the Hollywood Studios.
  2. Where is your favourite spot to read?
    The window in my bedroom has a wide windowsill, which expands inwards. When I purchased this house, I made sure to add some comfortable pillows on the windowsill, to transform it into a reading nook. I thoroughly enjoy reading there.
  3. What kind of setting do you prefer for reading?
    I like to read in well-lit areas, which is why the windowsill space is ideal for me. I enjoy reading in quiet places, although some gentle background music sometimes helps me focus better.

Set 36 Vocabulary

  • vivid – lively
  • there is something for everyone – there are activities for different people with different tastes and interests
  • avid cook – a person who is passionate about cook
  • nook – a small, secluded corner or area that offers security
  • well-lit – gets a lot of light

Set 37

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from Belfast, a city in Northern Ireland. I was born in Liverpool in England and later moved to Ireland. The city is very vibrant and has beautiful historic buildings as well as a great nightlife.
  2. Do you like to read?
    I have always been a keen reader, a bit of a bookworm you might say. I often have my head buried in a book for hours at a time because I find it a great way to relax and disconnect from work.
  3. Where do you prefer to read?
    My favorite spot to read is in bed to be honest. I generally read before I go to bed to help me to switch off from the day. Also, if I am on holiday I always read on the beach as it is very calming and peaceful.
  4. What type of books do you like?
    My favourite genre is non fiction. Mainly, I read crime thrillers or detective stories because I love the way they have suspense and lots of cliffhangers. If you can’t put a book down, it must be good.

Set 37 Vocabulary

  • a bookworm – a person who loves reading
  • switch off – disconnect mentally
  • cliffhangers – moments of suspense at the end of a book chapter

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