place ielts speaking part 3

The topic of ‘Place’ is frequently addressed in IELTS Speaking Part 3. This article provides a set of potential exam questions and responses you might face in this part of the test.

These questions are derived from actual IELTS speaking exams and act as excellent predictive tools for Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test, aiding in effective preparation.

Place Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  1. How often do you go to new places?
    I love checking out new buildings and attractions. Recently, a new theme park opened near the city and I bought tickets for the opening day. If I visit a new place, I am a culture vulture who loves sightseeing and taking photos of famous monuments.
  2. How do young children feel about going to school for the first time?
    A lot of children feel very anxious as it is the first time they have spent any considerable time away from their parents. They cry and cling on to their parents when they leave. Some kids take it in their stride and go straight in without looking back though. Their parents are the lucky ones.
  3. How do employees feel on their first day at work?
    I imagine everybody feels nervous because you don’t know the people or how to use anything. I think it is normal to feel overwhelmed and like you are jumping in at the deep end on the first day. It soon becomes normal and in my experience, colleagues and managers have always been very welcoming.
  4. Is it a good idea to find out some information about a place before going to visit?
    I think you should look up the place on the internet and have a general idea where you are going. If you are travelling abroad it is a good idea to know about the culture, rules and the currency that they use. In addition, you can read reviews of hotels and activities to ensure you get the best out of the trip.
  5. What kind of problems can occur when travelling to a new place?
    One of the most common must be getting lost because you don’t have a sense of direction. When travelling abroad, there is the problem of the language barrier making it difficult for people to understand you. Some places can be dangerous so it is important to research what you should and shouldn’t do before you arrive.

Place Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  • culture vulture – interested in culture, history
  • cling on – hold something
  • take it in their stride – deal with a difficult situation in a calm way
  • jump in the deep end – start a difficult activity without preparation
  • look up – find information online or in a book
  • language barrier – unable to communicate

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Discussion 2

  1. Are there other places where you can read or write?
    I read everywhere, when I am sitting in the park or taking public transport, I always have my nose in a book. It can be useful to read or make notes on a train in order to pass the time. I also have my own study at home, so if I need to hit the books I go in there and listen to music at the same time.
  2. What are the advantages of studying at home?
    Not having to change out of your pajamas is one of the main advantages. In addition, if you put your mind to it, you can really focus on something for an hour or so and then take short breaks and go to another area of the house to unwind. It is convenient to make snacks or take a break outside too.
  3. What are the distractions when studying at home?
    Of course there are many, if you have young children at home they struggle to understand that you need to be left alone. I think some of the most distracting things nowadays are phones and technology. It is very easy to read messages or scroll through social media and lose yourself online when you should be studying.
  4. Is a park a great place to study. Why?
    In reality, outside is not a great place to study although it is a romantic idea. What tends to happen is that your papers blow away and it is difficult to see any screen because of the sunlight. Also, there are often lots of people making a noise which brings you back to reality.

Vocabulary for Discussion 2

  • to hit the books – to study
  • put your mind to it – concentrate on something with determination to complete a task
  • lose yourself – to give complete attention to something
  • back to reality – to realise the truth

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Discussion 3

  1. What is the difference between relaxing inside or outside?
    For me, outside spaces are far more relaxing as there is something about nature that is very peaceful. Some people enjoy relaxing inside in places such as a spa. I can understand the appeal but I really enjoy getting back to nature in order to relax and unwind. Relaxing indoors can make you sleepy whereas being outdoors can recharge your batteries.
  2. What are popular places to visit in your country?
    There are many amazing places. French people love visiting the lakes and mountains and enjoying the outdoors. On the other hand, we have lots of famous monuments to visit like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Louvre. French people like to spend time with the family sightseeing or having picnics in the countryside.
  3. Do they visit these popular places regularly? Why is that?
    In the summer, families will visit the lakes and mountains almost every weekend if it is easy to get to by car or public transport. The more popular tourist destinations are generally visited less often as it can be packed at weekends and expensive to visit a monument like the Eiffel Tower. It is best to go out of season when you can enjoy more space for yourself.
  4. How can people achieve a good work life balance?
    I think people need to make sure that they switch off in the evening and at weekends. In a time when we are always connected by technology. it is more important than even to take a break, book a holiday and get away from it all. Spending time with family and friends should take priority over working long hours.
  5. Is it different now compared to the past?
    Of course, technology and social media have changed everything. In the past, you could leave the office and leave work behind, depending on your job. Nowadays, your boss can message or email you and it is hard not to engage in those interactions when you are taking time off. Also, I think people work longer hours today and have a little less time for family.
  6. Will this continue to get worse in the future?
    I think there is a change happening at the moment where people are waking up and realising that work is taking over their lives. I think there will be a move towards making a concerted effort to switch off work phones and take time away from social media. I think employers have come to expect more and more and the fight back is starting to be seen in the media for example.

Vocabulary for Discussion 3

  • recharge your batteries – re energise
  • packed – crowded
  • switch off – relax
  • wake up – to become conscious of something

Discussion 4

  1. Would you like to live in the countryside? Why?
    No, I prefer to live in the city as there is more to do and there will be more job opportunities. I think if I lived in the countryside I would feel quite isolated from modern life. I also think I would be bored to death after a while as it seems very tedious.
  2. Have you ever lived in the countryside?
    No, I have always lived in the city but I have taken trips to the countryside. It was nice to experience the peace and quiet  – silence is golden when you live in a noisy city. I enjoyed the space and walking in the mountains but I wouldn’t want to live there full time.
  3. What are the advantages of living in a city?
    You have everything at your fingertips; shops, restaurants, places to meet with friends. The public transport is also very efficient and is never late so you can depend on it. Finally, I think the best thing is that you can go to different events all the time as there is always something happening in the city.

Vocabulary for Discussion 4

  • bored to death – very bored
  • silence is golden – quiet is good
  • everything at your fingertips – convenient, easy to access

Discussion 5

  1. Do you find it difficult to find quiet places in cities?
    It can certainly be a challenge. A city like Washington D.C. is so populated that eventually every place is discovered and used. Some places are quieter than others but there will be people there. Libraries, however, are constantly quiet, which is great.
  2. Why do you think it is quieter in the countryside?
    The countryside has a lot less businesses which invites less people and therefore means the level of vividness will likely be lower. Generally, the nature offers a more peaceful environment to live in, and perhaps this encourages people to live more quietly.
  3. Why do people look for quiet places?
    I think that people need quiet places to hear themselves think. City life and the distractions of busy cities can sometimes cause avoidance in people. It helps to be in places with no distractions, so one can take time to think of important matters that need to be dealt with.
  4. Would you say older people prefer to live in quieter places than the younger generation?
    I think that this is generally true, although there are exceptions of individuals who prefer the bustling city life. Younger people tend to enjoy all kinds of experiences as they have the energy to do so, and perhaps some older people feel they need a slower-paced lifestyle.
  5. Why do you think some people do not like quiet places?
    I think some people, including some of my own friends, prefer noisy environments, because quiet ones seem unsettling. Many people are used to using social media and streaming platforms anywhere, making quiet places seem be too different. They also allow for self-reflection time, which can seem scary to some.
  6. Do you work best in busy or quiet environments?
    I enjoy quiet environments, but I prefer to be surrounded by colleagues. Their presence and interactions provide some sort of background noise which helps me concentrate well. As long as their actions are not overwhelmingly loud, I work very well. If the workspace is too noisy, I find it distracting.

Vocabulary for Discussion 5

  • vividness = liveliness, action
  • hear themselves think = think clearly with no distractions
  • bustling = busy
  • unsettling =causing anxiety and a feeling of uneasiness

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