Activity IELTS Speaking Part 3 Cue Card Questions with Answers

Activity is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.
The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.
Activities Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- Do you think walking is a good leisure activity?Absolutely. It is an ideal workout for every part of the body, and people can do it at any age. Of course, walking through the forest or a beach is much more pleasurable than in the crowded streets of an ugly, polluted city.
- What types of leisure activities are popular in your country?It’s hard to generalize because India is a huge and diverse country, it’s almost a continent in itself. From where I am in Goa, most people enjoy beach picnics with the entire family and friends on weekends. They also love playing football and almost every village has its own football ground. Catching up with old friends over a glass of wine or toddy is another favorite pastime.
- Are leisure activities important? Why/why not?1. They are important because everyone needs to identify their passion and follow it whether it is cooking, sketching, or playing an instrument. Life isn’t only about studying, working, and making ends meet. That would be a joyless existence. Hobbies can also give a sense of purpose to those living with anxiety and depression. I think people should be encouraged to pursue new hobbies.
- Are leisure activities that are popular today the same as the ones that were popular in the past?In Goa, I’d say that leisure activities have stayed almost the same over the years. Football, beachside picnics, card games, wine sessions. I think though that the younger generation is more into social media, and they don’t really like the outdoors unless it is to take pics and share them on Instagram.
- Do you think that leisure activities that are popular today will remain popular in the future?It’s hard to say but if this young generation continues with this social media obsession, Goa will lose its authentic way of life. And that will be a pity because people will start resembling and behaving like each other soon. I guess no one can do anything about it unless there’s a cultural revolution of sorts!
Activities Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- Toddy – the naturally alcoholic sap of some kinds of palm, used as a beverage in tropical countries
Other IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test.
Discussion 2
- Are you creative?Not particularly. On the one hand, I can be creative when decorating my flat for example. On the other hand, I couldn’t paint a picture or write a story. So, I have the flair for interior design but more the ideas than the practical skills. I really enjoy collating ideas from pictures on the internet.
- Are there jobs that require creativity?Yes, some jobs that need creativity are writers, artists and performers. To be an artist, you need to be able to visualize an idea and draw or paint from scratch without copying other artists. You have to show a unique style so that the artwork interests people and they want to see it or buy it.
- Can children be taught creativity?I don’t believe creativity can be taught, most children will show a natural talent from a young age. However, children can be nurtured to be able to hone that skill and given the opportunity to practice it and express themselves. That could be through art class, drama or reading and writing stories.
- Is technology helping people to be creativite? How?This is two fold. On the one hand, computer games like Minecraft encourage people to design and build and use skills like inventiveness and creativity. Despite this, I think that computers do a lot of the creativity for us so this can stifle natural talent rather than require people to have new ideas.
Vocabulary for Discussion 2
- flair for – a talent
- from scratch – completely from the beginning
- to hone (a skill) – perfect a skill
- two fold – has positives and negatives
- stifle – stop something happening
Discussion 3
- How often do you do puzzles?I occasionally do puzzles like crosswords or word searches. If I have time to relax it can be fun to think about the clues of a crossword and work out the answer. I generally just do the easy ones in magazines or the newspaper, the puzzle books are bewildering, they are a lot more difficult and probably appeal to a more expert level.
- Is it important to teach children to solve puzzles?I think it is really fundamental to show children how to solve puzzles. It teaches them problem solving skills and also patience as you can´t throw in the towel after a few minutes. They will learn the sense of achievement when they have solved a puzzle without assistance from an adult.
- Why do people like number puzzles?I´m not really sure why people like them, I have always been terrible at numbers and maths. Despite this, Sudoku is a really popular game and millions of people play it so I suppose those people must like concentrating and have a lot of patience. I tend to give up after one game.
- How popular are word puzzles in your country? Why?Word puzzles are really popular in the UK. There are daily puzzles online and in newspapers and you often see people completing them on public transport or waiting for the bus. I think it’s a form of brain training so it is good for your mental health but people also use them to pass the time.
- Why do children like picture puzzles?I think children are interested in visual puzzles as they haven’t developed all their linguistic skills yet and tend to be attracted to pictures. Children seem particularly interested in animals and types of transport and enjoy matching pictures.
- Why are detective stories important for children?I always remember reading detective stories when I was a child so I suppose there is something intriguing about the stories. Also, children are in the process of learning right from wrong so lots of these stories have a moral message. In the end the baddie always gets caught so it sends a strong message.
- Is it better for them to watch a movie or just listen to the story?I honestly think that reading to a child is very important as it not only improves their literacy skills but also helps them with a parent or carer. There is nothing wrong with watching the film version of a story but it doesn’t replace reading and listening to a book before they go to bed.
Vocabulary for Discussion 3
- bewildered – very confused
- throw in the towel – give up, stop
- despite – contrast word
- matching – goes together with something perfectly
- intriguing – causing interest
Discussion 4
- Are you a creative person?I like to do things like draw and listen to music. I don’t have a particular creative talent but I do like planning and decorating at home, choosing colours and things to go together. When I have time, I like to draw portraits of people and animals. It is deeply relaxing and although my drawings are not exactly brilliant, they keep me occupied.
- Do you think creativity is required in different fields of life?I believe that creativity is an aspect of lots of areas of life. In one way or another, most of us need to have a creative flair once in a while. It could be decorating a Christmas tree or designing a website which required these skills. It can be useful for expression and stress relief, most jobs require some creative ideas.
- What will happen if there is no creativity around?If people were not creative, there would be no development or evolution. Without creative ideas we wouldn’t have new inventions and innovations. This would make life very stagnant and tedious. As humans, we thrive on moving forward and we are the only species intelligent enough to make and invent things, I believe. So creativity is fundamental.
- Do you prefer writing by hand or typing?Nowadays, I have to say I would rather type. It saves time and is more efficient than handwriting a letter or a note. It puts less strain on your fingers and you can make corrections as you go along without making it look messy. There are some situations I still write by hand though.
- Do you have to write by hand in certain situations?The only time I write by hand is to scribble a quick note or to write a greetings card. Writing a quick note is sometimes quicker and I think hand writing a greetings card makes it more personal and shows you made an effort to think about what you wanted to write. The only other thing is lists, for some reason I like making lists by hand too.
- Do you think handwriting has changed, compared to the past?Absolutely, I think handwriting has become worse and worse over the years as people are writing less and less often. For example, my niece has very bad handwriting as she uses a computer all the time and children don’t spell words as well as they can use a spellchecker. We all rely on auto correction rather than knowing the answer ourselves.
Vocabulary for Discussion 4
- keep (me) occupied – continue to be busy
- creative flair – ability to create
- stagnant – still, not moving
- strain on – excessive demands, pressure on somebody or something
- scribble – to write quickly and untidily
- niece – daughter or brother or sister
Discussion 5
- What types of activities do older people enjoy doing in their spare time?It really depends on the person. Some prefer individual activities, such as reading or watching TV. Revisiting classic films is something my grandfather relishes. Others look to maximise their time with family. Some choose to spend time with friends, playing games on occasion, such as card games or bingo.
- What activities would you like to do when you retire?One of the goals on my bucket list is to travel the world. I would like to go on a cruise, someday, which could tie-in nicely
- Do you think a fixed retirement age is a good idea?I believe that some people who have worked their entire lives might feel out of place being less active and adapting to a new lifestyle. Nevertheless, it is important to pass the torch to the younger generation, so that they experience life to its fullest and achieve their full potential.
- What factors should make the basis for the retirement age?One factor should be the number of years that someone has worked. People’s personal situation, including their health, should also be factored in. There is also the type of work they do, such as athletes who retire earlier than others due to the physically demanding nature of their job.
Vocabulary for Discussion 5
- revisiting = (in this case) watching again
- relishes = enjoys greatly
- bucket list = a list of activities a person wants to do in their lifetime
- tie–in nicely = fit well with
- pass the torch = to transfer a role, responsibilities or knowledge to someone else
- experience life to its fullest = experience everything that life has to offer
- achieve their full potential = be the best they can be
- be factored in = be taken into consideration
Discussion 6
- Who do you watch TV with?Generally, I watch TV on my own because it is not always convenient to sit down and watch TV at the same time as my family because we all come in at different times. If we happen to be at home, we will all watch a quiz or a TV series together. We are not a family who are glued to the TV screen, we like to get out and do other things.
- What type of people watch quiz shows?I think all sorts of people watch quizzes but the people who enjoy them the most are probably quite intellectual and they can take part in the game. Most trivia programmes are quite family friendly so you can watch them with children or grandma, everyone can get involved. I know some real trivia geeks who watch Tv quizzes every day and take it very seriously.
- Why do people like to watch TV?Most people tend to watch TV in order to disconnect and relax after a day at work. I think TV allows you to tune out and not think about any problems you have. The negative is that you can waste time watching mind numbing programmes that don’t educate you about anything.
- What kind of TV programs are popular in your country at the moment?In the past, soap operas were very popular and people would watch them everyday. Nowadays, these are only really popular with elderly people and young people are more interested in reality TV or binge watching a series. With apps like Netflix, people are more likely to watch a film or documentary than live television.
- Have the types of games people play changed?In the past, families would play a lot of board games or things they could do together. More recently, computer games have become more popular and children and teenagers are hooked on them. Virtual reality is getting more popular whereas playing outside with friends has decreased in popularity.
- Is it healthy for children to play at home?Children learn a lot through play, like how to make things, be creative and to share with others. Families should encourage children to play together and be competitive, in a healthy way. Playing outside is very good for your health. When I was little, come rain or shine we were sent out in the garden to play.
Vocabulary for Discussion 6
- geek – an intellectual person
- take it seriously – think something is important
- to tune out – to ignore your environment
- binge watch – watch lots of episodes of a TV programme
- hooked on – addicted to
- come rain or shine – in any weather
Discussion 7
- How did you feel about this experience later?While it was very stressful in the moment, we all laughed about it the next day. I felt embarrassed in the few days that followed the experience, but, luckily, my friends were very understanding and supportive, which I greatly appreciated. That being said, they won’t let me forget it!
- Why is it important to have a well-thought-out plan?It is important to be prepared in order to avoid having issues that can make us feel unnerved. Although we cannot plan for every eventuality, it is important to plan for what is in our control for safety and peace of mind.
- In your opinion, will people have more free time in the future?I don’t think so. I think that people try to make the most of their time by trying to multitask with the help of gadgets and services that can help them complete work. I think that people like to keep busy and struggle to find time to unwind and make time for true quality time.
- What are inevitable consequences of poor planning?I think if there is lack of planning, it is expected to experience stress and disappointment. No planning or preparing well can have worrisome outcomes and make people feel distressed. In some cases, people could also find themselves up a creek without a paddle, with irreparable consequences.
Vocabulary for Discussion 7
- they won’t let me forget it = they keep reminding me of that experience whenever they get a chance
- unnerved = nervous and anxious
- eventuality = a possible outcome or event
- multitask = do several things at the same time
- worrisome = causing worry or anxiety
- distressed = feeling anxious and lost
- up a creek without a paddle = in an unlucky situation
- irreparable = which cannot be fixed
Discussion 8
- What types of outdoor activities do people like to do?Some people like to go hiking, like me0. Another popular activity is swimming in lakes, seas and oceans, as well as public pools, for more local activities. Other people enjoy venturing into more high-risk activities and extreme sports, like skydiving, for example.
- Are outdoor activities for children different now from what they used to be? I think that they are quite similar to what they used to be. Perhaps it used to be more common for children to go bike-riding with their friends, which I have not seen as much of recently. I have noticed families biking together, but not so much groups of friends.
- Do you think leisure is important to everyone? Why?I believe that it is important for a person’s well-being and happiness. Nonetheless, many people with challenging socio-economic circumstances may not burden themselves with such topics as leisure, because they may not be able to afford it due to time-related or financial aspects of their lives.
- Do you think women have more leisure than men?In essence, I don’t believe so. If anything, I believe society conditions people to think that certain activities are for specific genders, when in reality, all leisure activities can be, and should be, enjoyed by all. We are all people after all.
Vocabulary for Discussion 8
- venturing into = to undertake a risky activity, usually courageously
- burden themselves = have concerns regarding
- conditions = (in this case) trains, implements beliefs
Discussion 9
- Why is it that some people have better memory than others?It could be related to interest. If you are invested in a topic or in someone, you are more likely to remember information. It could also have to do with visual memory. Some people, for instance, are unable to remember names unless they can match them with faces.
- Which is a more efficient way of improving memory: words or photos? I think it really depends on the person. A lot of people are visual, so photographs would be quite helpful for them. Other people may be more musical, in which case words might work best for them. No two snowflakes are alike.
- Do you think that technology can help people remember things better? How?I think that particularly with the younger generation who are so used to using electronic devices, the use of technology, such as eBooks and trusted educational websites, can help not only maintain their interest, but remember the information better. With others, more traditional methods might be more effective than technology.
Vocabulary for Discussion 9
- invested = (in this case) intensely dedicating one’s time, energy and attention to something or someone
- invested = (in this case) intensely dedicating one’s time, energy and attention to something or someone
Discussion 10
- Which sport is the most popular in your country?The most popular sport in Denmark is football. I myself am a die-hard fan of the team Nordsjaellan, and I make sure to watch all their games, to the best of my ability. I even saw them play once! I felt very fortunate.
- Why do people enjoy doing activities near water?I think that there is something very soothing about water. Swimming and other water sports activities, for example, may make people feel at peace. They may also challenge people to use muscles they were not previously aware of, nor used to using.
- Should schools teach children how to swim? Why?I believe they should. Swimming is an essential life skill to have. Some parents may deem it trivial due to their physical location, where bodies of water don’t exist. However, they may later find themselves in areas where water is more present, and swimming could be extremely useful.
- Should governments spend money on developing water sports facilities?This could certainly be very helpful. Water sports are excellent forms of exercise, and because they use generally inactive muscles, they may have very positive effects on people’s wellbeing, of all ages. For people who do not live near any bodies of water, water sports facilities may prove highly useful.
Vocabulary for Discussion 10
- die-hard fan = (in this case) a person who is extremely loyal to one sports team in particular
- soothing = calming
- trivial = unimportant
Discussion 11
- How did you feel about the situation later?In hindsight, I think I did the right thing, which was supporting my family, and which, to me, takes priority. I am also proud of the way I managed to turn things around despite the short extension. I am overall satisfied with my actions and their outcomes.
- In your opinion, is time management necessary?I believe that time management is very necessary, however it is not fool proof, especially when unforeseen events happen. One can only do their best to make the most out of a situation, and make decisions best on the knowledge they possess in the moment.
- How can a person learn to manage time effectively?I think that prioritising is key. When you have a list of tasks in front of you, you can prioritise at the most urgently important tasks, as well as decide which tasks are most time-sensitive. This should help organise and fulfil duties with less stress and with greater efficiency.
- Do you think that people undertake less activities as they get older?I don’t think that this is true to all people. People may find they have more or less energy to complete certain activities. For example, some retirees like to travel and explore new places, while others prefer to live a quieter life. I believe it really depends on the individual.
Vocabulary for Discussion 11
- in hindsight = looking back at what happened
- turn things around = change the course of a situation
- fool proof = impossible to misuse or get wrong
- unforeseen = unpredictable
- time-sensitive = needs to be completed within a short or limited timeframe