Admire/ inspire IELTS Speaking Part 3 Cue Card Questions with Answers

admire inspire ielts speaking part 3 cue card

Admire/ inspire is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Admire Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  1. Why do you think memories of school days are important?
    Personally, I believe that memories from school continue to be important as they represent a period of time when you had less to worry about and were more carefree. Even if I didn’t realise it at the time, your best days really are your school days. You soon grow up and have to learn about responsibility.
  2. Why do some teachers leave their mark on students?
    In my opinion, teachers have a significant impact on some students because most of them are passionate about what they teach and manage to pass this on to learners. On the other hand, some teachers had a negative impact because they put kids down or made them feel small. A good teacher inspires students and you can remember them in adult life.
  3. What are the traits that make students remember them?
    The characteristics of a memorable teacher are passion, energy and humour. Most people can remember a teacher who was quirky or made them laugh. Other students will remember a teacher that inspired them to pursue their career or succeed at something. On top of those, a teacher needs energy to keep students interested.

Admire Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  • your best days are your school days (expression)
  • put somebody down – to criticise somebody
  • quirky – eccentric, different

Discussion 2

  1. Do you think children have ambitions?
    Yes, I think children can have dreams and plans. Often they change as you grow older but most children dream of fulfilling an ambition like being an astronaut or a ballet dancer. When you grow up,it might not be realistic, but there is no harm in dreaming.
  2. Are there people, children or adults, who don’t have ambitions? Why?
    I´m not sure I can say whether some people don’t have ambitions. It depends on the person and what they see as a goal or what they want from life. Some people might dream of the stars, where others are happy with a quieter life with their family. We are fulfilled by different things.
  3. Do you think ambitious people get rewarded?
    In general, I believe that determined and motivated people achieve more than those who are not ambitious. It makes sense that if you are a person who has a lot of get up and go, then you will get a better job, earn more money or achieve fame. On the other hand, these are not the only things that are rewarding.
  4. Do you think being too ambitious is a good thing?
    In my opinion, ambition is a positive thing until it becomes arrogance or ruthlessness. If you have to be ruthless and would do anything to achieve your goal then it becomes a negative character trade. A lot of rich people have done this for money, maybe you don’t get rich by being nice.
  5. Do you think people with a lot of ambitions reach their goals?
    Often ambition and people who are determined goes hand in hand with achieving their objectives. These people get knocked down and they get back up and try again. It is not always the case, but if you put in the time and effort then you are more likely to make it and achieve your goals.

Vocabulary for Discussion 2

  • no harm in – no harm is caused
  • get up and go – motivated attitude
  • go hand in hand – goes together with
  • to make it – to succeed in life

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Discussion 3

  1. Do you think children should be encouraged to play an instrument? Why or why not?
    Well, I wish I had learnt to play so I do think it is a good idea. Lots of adults regret not learning when they were kids, they can pick things up much more quickly. It can be a really social activity as they can be part of a club or band – parents shouldn’t be too pushy but encouragement is good.
  2. What is the best age to learn to play an instrument?
    I honestly think the sooner the better. Children’s brains are like sponges, they soak up new information and can learn new things quickly. Also, they are usually excited by instruments so as soon as they can hold a recorder, they can learn to play it.
  3. Is it easier to learn to play an instrument as a child or as an adult?
    It is far easier to learn as a child as you have a lot more energy to learn something new. Also, children have more time to practice whereas adults have to balance work and family on top of practice. It comes more naturally to children whereas it is like adult brains start to fill up as they get older.

Vocabulary for Discussion 3

  • pick (smt) up – learn something without effort
  • pushy – too assertive
  • the sooner the better – as quickly as possible
  • on top of – in addition to, also

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 Discussion 4

  1. Is it important to be able to persuade someone?
    In certain circumstances, it is necessary to try and persuade others. For example, you might need to persuade someone not to do something risky or dangerous. Another example is when you want somebody to see the light and change their opinion about something that is causing problems.
  2. Can we learn to be persuasive?
    I think that persuasion can be taught and learnt, for example if you are a sales person you will be trained to convince the client that they need the product. Also if you are a politician it is your job to persuade the voter that your party is fit for the job rather than the opposing party.
  3. Are there any circumstances when persuasion can have negative consequences?
    In some cases it can have a negative effect if you are persuading someone to do something they don’t want to do. This is coercion. An example would be convincing a person to commit a crime or do something dangerous. Young people can end up going down the wrong tracks into crime or drugs for instance.
  4. How can an employer persuade employees to work harder?
    There are two approaches; the carrot and the stick. Employers can reward workers when they meet targets or produce excellent work. On the one hand, the way which I think is less effective, is to penalise or punish employees who don’t meet the expectations of the company by limiting pay or asking them to work extra hours to make up the work.
  5. Is a good salary the most important factor to persuade employees to work hard?
    I think for most people their salary is the biggest incentive to work hard and do a good job. Offering bonuses for hitting targets is quite effective as well as offering perks such as a company car, lunch or free coffee can make a person feel valued. However, employees also recognise the value of work life balance and respect as being rewarded too.
  6. Do you think praise is a good way to encourage employees?
    In my opinion, praise is important to ensure that employees feel their work has been recognised. This can increase motivation and encourage workers to do a good job in the future. If someone is working their fingers to the bone, this should be recognised not only with praise but additional days off for example.

Vocabulary for Discussion 4

  • see the light – understand or realise something after doubting
  • fit for the job – able to do a job
  • coercion – persuading someone to do something using control or aggression
  • going down to the wrong track – going in the wrong direction in life
  • carrot and stick – reward and punishment
  • perks – benefits of the job in addition to salary
  • working their fingers to the bone  – working very hard

Discussion 5

  1. Why do people like to follow celebrities?
    I think celebrities lead such different lives to most people, allowing their followers to escape from their own by keeping up with them. It also gives followers an opportunity to imagine and comment on how they would have dealt with some situation if they were in celebrities’ shoes.
  2. What is your opinion on their right to privacy?
    To some degree, I think celebrities should prepare for the invasion of their privacy when they pursue their careers, but the core issue is the culture of intrusion caused by the media and fan bases. Unless it’s what they want, celebrities shouldn’t have to choose between privacy and fame.
  3. Why do you think the media is so interested in them?
    I think the media needs its own followers, and they have excellent understanding of what people want. They know that scandals make the news, and that relationships are a subject of interest to many individuals. Combine that with fame and you have followers who are completely hooked.
  4. What makes people want to be like celebrities?
    I think that the attention that celebrities get is a basic human need many yearn for. When famous people are successful, it might give hope to their followers that anyone can achieve a great purpose, no matter how impossible it seems. To some, success can also equal an easy life.

Vocabulary for Discussion 5

  • if they were in celebrities’ shoes = if they were in the situations celebrities are in
  • invasion of their privacy = when a person’s right to privacy is violated
  • intrusion = trespassing
  • hooked = addicted
  • yearn for = experience a deep, long-lasting desire for something or someone
  • equal = (in his case) mean

Discussion 6

  1. When were you happy to achieve a good result?
    I took part in a regional swimming competition last year and came first, I was delighted. I had trained hard for several months so it was worth it when it paid off and I won the race. I had also been recovering from a leg injury so that made the moment even more rewarding.
  2. How can children be motivated or encouraged?
    I think children can be motivated and encouraged through praise. For example, recognising and telling them when they have done something well. This makes them feel more confident and they will try hard to do well in the future. Children should be encouraged to be confident but als without being arrogant.
  3. Do you think money is the best form of encouragement? Why?
    I think it can be effective, most people work hard because they get paid. However, it is not the be all and end all; there are things that are equally important like a feeling of pride and achievement, working in a team or achieving a personal goal.
  4. Is competition a negative or a positive? Why?
    Healthy competition is positive in my opinion because it encourages people to do better and achieve more. It is a natural part of life and children need to understand that. Some people say it is the taking part that matters but that doesn’t really represent reality and in life you will have to compete for jobs and promotions.
  5. How can an employer motivate their employees?
    I think the best way is through a salary that rewards the work that they do. On top of that, regular feedback and praise can help the employee to feel recognised and part of a team. Successful employers treat their staff well; they can reward them with perks such as days off.
  6. What motivates people in general?
    I do think money motivates people; with money you can buy a house or a car and support your family. On the other hand, some people are motivated by personal achievement so they train for marathons or raise money for charity. This is very admirable and takes a lot of guts and determination to do.

Vocabulary for Discussion 6

  • paid off – to have a positive result
  • be all and end all – everything
  • it’s the taking part that matters – expression that it is important to participate, not to win
  • on top of that – also
  • take guts – to be brave

Discussion 7

  1. Do you think most people have time to think about their health?
    I think that many people think about their health, but may struggle to take action when it comes to changing their habits to improve their health. Some people may realise that they need to lose weight, which is easier said than done, as other responsibilities might get in the way.
  2. Do you believe that schools play a significant role in changing their students’ attitude towards health?
    To some degree. For instance, physical education classes are important to ensure that students get exercise, however the way they are delivered may be a deciding factor in the way students perceive health. Similarly, the type of food being served in schools, may affect their eating habits in the future.
  3. What can be done to encourage people to prioritise their health more?
    I believe that educating the youth on healthy eating and the importance of physical activity is an important stepping stone. The media here also shapes people’s minds, by excessively broadcasting ads for fast-food restaurants and TV shows that portray tasty, yet unhealthy meals. Changing those may help a great deal.
  4. Should governments play a role in the promotion of better health?
    I firmly believe that the government should have a say in the matter. Especially in a country that does not provide free healthcare for all, it seems even more urgent that the government help implement rules or educational programmes for all ages that promote healthy living.

Vocabulary for Discussion 7

  • take action = act, do something
  • easier said than done = conceptually good but practically difficult
  • to some degree = to some extent
  • stepping stone = step towards a final goal
  • shapes people’s minds = change how people think
  • have a say in the matter = contribute an idea or an opinion with the aim of changing a given situation

Discussion 8

  1. Why is it difficult for some people to express their feelings?
    I believe it is scary to be vulnerable. It is hard to know how people will see you once you express how you feel. It is natural to fear rejection, and therefore honestly expressing yourself can be quite challenging to some people.
  2. Who do you think talks more – children or adults?
    I believe both are comparable. Children tend to talk about anything that springs to mind. While adults may do so as well, it may not be as frequent. Adults are also able to have more complex conversations, which may make them speak more than children, in some situations.
  3. Is there a difference in the way men and women express their feelings?
    I think this gender gap is gradually fading. Socially, men and women are conditioned to express their feelings differently, but I believe that more people realise the inefficiency of such expectations, and the necessity for clear and honest communication between all genders.
  4. Are people more open than in the past?
    I think they are, in some cases. I think that people are less afraid of other people’s opinion of them. I believe that expressing one’s feelings has been normalised a lot more recently, which is healthy on an individual level, as well as a societal one.

Vocabulary for Discussion 8

  • vulnerable = putting oneself at risk of being physically and/or emotionally harmed.
  • anything that springs to mind = whatever they think of in the moment
  • inefficiency = not working properly
  • normalised = made normal, common and accepted

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