Important IELTS Speaking Part 3 Cue Card Questions with Answers
Important is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.
The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.
Important Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- How do people get information in your country?Most people get information from the radio these days in my country. This is especially true in smaller towns and villages which haven’t yet had internet access. Big city dwellers however get most of their daily news from social media apps or through Whatsapp groups.
- How reliable is the information in your country?This is a tricky question. Social media as well as the mainstream sometimes report fake news or news that is controlled by vested interests. It all depends on the relation between the media houses, big corporations and ruling political parties in respective states. This is a dangerous trend because it could cause communal and racial misunderstandings, and clashes between groups of people.
- Has information people used to get in the past changed nowadays? In what way?Yes. In bigger towns and cities, there has been a dramatic shift in how people receive information. Until around 15 years ago, most people watched television regularly for their news supply. As internet and data packages became cheaper, people moved to YouTube and social media as a way of getting their daily news. Also, there are a lot of youngsters who go around “reporting” live what they see especially if it’s breaking news. They even interview people, and have their own channels on YouTube with large followings.
Important Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1
- Communal – of or relating to a community
Other IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test.
Discussion 2
- Do you think people should participate in volunteer work?Yes, they definitely should because volunteering is a way to give back to society without the burden of unmet expectations. I believe that some things in life are not quantifiable in terms of money such as the joy one receives from giving.
- Is spending time helping others more important than donating money?Yes, I do. Khalil Gibran, this 17th century Lebanese poet once said, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” And I whole-heartedly agree. Giving money is easy; giving one’s energy is the real deal!
- Do you do it? How?Yes, I help elderly relatives and family friends with errands or during medical emergencies. I also volunteer at the local orphanage and assist with teaching the kids songs and crafts. I learn so much from them that it feels like a privilege to be amongst them.
- Do you tell people about it?Just my parents and close friends. I see no reason why others need to know about personal acts of charity. In fact, I get embarrassed when my parents orities of poorer countries get addicted to the aid, and do nothing to develop their own nations. I feel that the developed world ought to stop sending money and instead focus on knowledge-sharing and collaborative efforts.
- Do you think providing skills is a good way to help?Dboast about me to their colleagues and neighbors. I know their intentions aren’t bad but I am a discreet person.
- How much time should people spend on such work?That would depend entirely on their life situation, and family responsibilities. Busy people especially working mothers barely get a moment for themselves let alone to volunteer. But I’d say that even a couple of hours per week could be a great idea. It’s also a way to get distracted from one’s own problems.
- Who do you think benefits more, people who are helping or people who are receiving help?This is quite a philosophical question. The receiver benefits in terms of material or quantifiable benefits such as money, food, or gaining skills. The giver however experiences inner peace and bliss, and has this sense of making a difference to someone’s life. You know, not feeling entirely worthless.
- Should developed countries help developing countries? How?To a certain extent only otherwise the relation becomes parasitic in nature, where the authefinitely, because if you give a man fish, he eats for the day but if you teach him how to fish, he eats for life. Imparting skills to people is better than continually doing something for them because this creates a vicious circle of dependency and expectations. Self-reliance is a virtue.
Vocabulary for Discussion 2
- proactively – take action to control a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened
- 10.parasitic – habitually relying on or exploiting others
- 11.discreet– careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment
- vicious circle – a chain of events in which the response to one difficulty creates a new problem that worsens the original difficulty.
Discussion 3
- Is it important for children to play with toys?I think that most toys help children to develop skills. The toys may specifically be designed to help the child with movement or maths, for example. Also playing with toys with other children encourages a child to share and to understand how to work with other people.
- What type of toys help children to develop?Teddies and dolls can help children to nurture and look after others. Things like puzzles teach them to use logic and to be patient if they have to figure out what they need to do. Other games develop movement and physical skills which are also important.
- Have toys changed since the past?In the past, toys were more simple and children played with them for a long time. A child would receive toys like a puzzle or wooden train and had to use their imagination to invent new games. Nowadays, many toys use technology or are computer based. These toys help develop skills but it is a shame that these toys isolate the child rather than encourage playing together.
- How has the toy industry changed compared to the past?I think the industry puts pressure on parents to buy new and expensive toys all the time. By exposing children to adverts on TV and online, they make children want toys they see. This can put a financial strain on parents. Toys don’t last as long which means buying more.
- Has the diversity of toys changed?I think this has started to happen more in the last 10 years. We can see more ethnic groups and gender equality represented in toys and dolls. Also, some toys and games show characters with disabilities. I saw a company that was making Christmas dolls with black and tanned skin. This is more inclusive for families who want toys to resemble them.
- Why is diversity in toys important?I think it is important for everyone in a community to be represented. In the past, when all the dolls in a shop were white with blond hair this gave the impression that this is what babies should look like. Now, everybody can feel that toys are relevant to them and their background. It also helps children to embrace differences from a young age as a normal part of life.
Vocabulary for Discussion 3
- to figure out – to discover the answer
- a shame – a pity, a disappointment
- strain – takes a lot of effort
- to embrace – to welcome something, e.g. change, difference
Discussion 4
- Let’s talk about the topic of jobs.Great!
- What do you think are important jobs?I believe all jobs have their purpose, and are therefore all important. There are some, however, which help people with the most basic human needs, such as grocery store workers, cleaners, garbage collectors, doctors, teachers and psychologists, amongst many others.
- Should money be the most important reason for choosing a job?It is very circumstantial. Some people might come from pre-existing comfortable financial backgrounds, including family ties. They may therefore not concern themselves with the jobs’ salaries. Others, who have larger families to support with no help to rely on, may need to prioritise jobs with higher wages.
- What are other important aspects?Different lifestyles will affect people’s job choices. Some may look for jobs that can provide them with joy and fulfilment. Others do not prioritise their enjoyment as much as the amount of money they can make. One factor that should be true across the board, is fair treatment for all.
- Which do you think is better, gaining experience or getting higher salaries?It depends on age and level of expertise. For many teenagers who get their first job at an ice cream shop, for instance, work experience may be more valuable. For people who have been working in a field for a couple of decades, a higher salary may be more appropriate
Vocabulary for Discussion 4
- family ties = family connections
- rely on = depend on
- across the board = everywhere, in all scenarios
- expertise = level of mastery of a specific subject or field
Discussion 5
- What is one of the most important inventions?In my opinion, one of the most life changing was the invention of medicines like penicillin or antibiotics. In the past, an infection or condition could easily become fatal whereas today we can treat a lot more things before they become critical. Without medicines, life expectancy would be lower and we would be more at risk.
- Why do some inventions not become popular?If an invention does not become popular, it is usually because the inventor has misjudged the needs of the public. For an invention to succeed, the inventor needs to identify a gap in the market, something that will make our lives easier and also it needs to be a realistic price or it just won’t sell.
- What are the advantages of new inventions?We are always progressing as a species as more innovations and inventions appear. Many inventions save lives whereas others make our daily lives easier. For example, the internet has allowed us to be in touch with people from all over the world and has connected industries which have developed economies.
- What are the main disadvantages?I suppose it has to be the production and consumption of all these different products which is having a negative effect on the environment. Nowadays, people update things like televisions far more frequently than they did in the past because they see a new invention or innovation they want.
Vocabulary for Discussion 5
- be in touch with – to have regular communication with somebody
Discussion 6
- Why are schools making rules?I believe schools want to ensure the safety of children. This could include bullying, but also physical safety around the school, like ensuring students don’t hurt themselves in the playground area. They may also want to embed the notion of following rules in children, from a young age.
- Why is it important to obey laws?It is important because laws are often designed to help maintain peace in society. Although they may not always work or be fair, but they are meant to bring structure to society. It important to follow rules so that safety and order can be established.
- How can teachers and parents help teach children to follow rules?It is important to lead by example, but also talk to children and give reasons explaining why certain behaviours may or may not be acceptable. Children are a lot smarter than we realise, and they are more likely to recall and follow the rules if they make sense to them.
- Is it acceptable to sometimes break the rules?I believe it is in some cases, if the rule harms more than it helps. Some say that ‘rules are meant to be broken’, meaning that they are more suggestive than they are necessary, and therefore can be broken if need be. I personally don’t believe it to be a universal rule.
- Do you think children should be taught to follow any rule?believe that children should be taught rules that encourage respect towards other people, however they should also be instructed to think independently and decide what makes sense to them. Not all rules are universal and they may not apply to everybody.
- Should children have to wear school uniforms?On the one hand, uniforms can help ensure children are not feeling like outsiders at school. On the other hand, children, and particularly teenagers, should be allowed to express their individual personalities, including through their outfits. This, however, could cause issues for children whose families may not be able to afford certain clothes.
Vocabulary for Discussion 6
- embed = implement
- lead by example = act a certain way to show how others should act, be a role-model
- recall = remember
- universal rule = a rule that applies everywhere and in any circumstance
- outsiders = (in this case) people who don’t fit in
Discussion 7
- What are different kinds of prizes students get?There is a plethora of prizes students can get. Some revive prizes and awards for academic achievements, others for sports and competitions. Some may receive prizes for any extracurricular activities they may partake in, such as leading clubs and managing or overseeing projects.
- What are reasons for awarding people?Awards are given for certain achievements in specific fields. For instance, in the field of science, research that contributes to understanding a disease could be rewarded with an award. Awards may also symbolise expertise in a given domain, and may serve as recognition of any positive input provided by people in the field.
- What are advantages and disadvantages to winners constantly getting awards?It is good to recognise helpful contributions, and it can encourage people who are used to winning to continue their hard work and strive to achieve continuous excellence. Nevertheless, if they win regularly, they may react very negatively to losing, with their self-confidence and motivation being hindered.
- Why do people care about receiving awards?I think many people have an innate need to prove themselves to others and to themselves. Receiving an award shows that others have seen and recognised your work, providing a physical proof of such acknowledgement. It also gives people a goal to work towards and. A reason to improve themselves.
Vocabulary for Discussion 7
- extracurricular = in addition to academic classes
- partake = participate
- expertise = an area someone excels at
- strive = to aim and making great efforts to reach a goal
- hindered = created difficulties or obstacles
- innate = something a person is born with
- acknowledgement = recognition
Discussion 8
- Do you think it is important to read the news?I believe it is important to keep up to date with the latest news. It is good to be in the know with regards to current events, however, it is crucial to keep an open mind and understand that the media can often be biased, and certain sources are unreliable.
- What types of news do people in your country read?People in my country are interested in all sorts of news. Sometimes they like to read about politics, and other times about celebrities’ lives. Different people have different interests, and there are newspapers and magazines that cater for all of these.
- Are there any differences in news young people and older people are interested in?I think that more and more young people are interested in more mature news subjects, such as national and global politics. With the use of technology, they have greater access to such news and they may feel more invested in such matters.
- How do people in your country get access to news?Some people still like to read newspapers. Other people prefer to read the news on the internet, either on their laptops or their phones. It seems to be a more time-efficient way for some to stay informed on various subjects, as they can access them pretty much anytime and anywhere.
- In your opinion, should children start watching the news from a young age?There is a risk when watching news compared to reading news, as the visual element of watching them can scar children long-term. Nonetheless, sometimes imagining something can be even more traumatic than seeing it, and, therefore, while they should be made accessible to children, news should be chosen with caution.
- Why do you think that some people like to share news on social media platforms?When people feel passionately about a certain subject, they may want to share it with as many people as they can social media platforms allow for such outreach, and sharing with a large number of people may make some individuals feel heard and less alone.
Vocabulary for Discussion 8
- be in the know = stay up to date
- biased = partial, one-sided, favouring one side of the other
- cater for = provide what is required/needed
- invested in = put great effort and much time into understanding and making a situation better
- with caution = carefully
Discussion 9
- Why are traditional festivals important?I believe they are important because they are a form of identity to many people. By maintaining their traditions, people may feel as though they carry their ancestors’ legacies and history. Traditions are significant ways of gaining insight into the history of peoples and communities.
- How are festivals different now from the way they used to be?I believe that as times change, so do people and their views. Some aspects of certain traditions may be culturally, yet, not socially, relevant. Traditions may therefore be catered to the new needs of people who celebrate them. Nonetheless, that is not necessarily true of all groups or religions.
- In your opinion, do western celebrations, such as Christmas, replace traditional festivals in your country?I’m not sure that they replace them, however they certainly overshadow some festivals which are relevant to a range of ethnic minority groups. For instance, Dragon Boat festival, which matters to Chinese communities, or Hannukah, which is a significant Jewish festival, are not federal holidays, and do not receive national recognition.
- In your opinion, is it acceptable for children not to celebrate traditional festivals?I believe that it’s good to raise awareness in them of those parts of their cultural identities. However, they shouldn’t be forced to celebrate something that doesn’t feel right to them. Through exposure to the world around them, children may develop their own outlooks on what their identity means to them.
Vocabulary for Discussion 9
- Legacies = (in this case) a part of history that people leave behind after they are gone, for future generations
- Gaining insight into = understanding
- Catered = (in this case) adapted
- Overshadow = appearing more important
- Outlooks = views on life or a given situation
Discussion 10
- Are public facilities important?Absolutely. I believe that they are essential to the well-being of societies. They provide a safe space for people to carry out a range of activities, and encourage people to socialise. They can provide a sense of belonging for people, making the area they live in feel more like a home.
- What are some major changes in new facilities compared to old ones?I think that a lot of facilities have now implemented more technology into their services. For instance, cinema tickets be purchased directly from the box office. While this is still an option, using touch screens to book tickets has become popular, and many cinemas have jumped on the bandwagon.
- Are there differences in facilities young people and older people enjoy?I believe that it is up to individual preferences, however, in general, younger people frequent facilities which provide active or interactive experiences, such as cinemas, swimming pools or recreation centres. Many older people I know prefer such facilities as libraries, although they would gladly go to the cinema, too!
- Should governments invest in public facilities, or should it be a local responsibility?I believe that a balance needs to be struck, between governments providing funding to support existing public facilities and establish new ones, and local authorities investing money in the development of such venues. Local and national leaderships are responsible for caring for their people, and it should therefore be a joint effort.
Vocabulary for Discussion 10
Discussion 11
- Do you think that archaeology is an important form of science? Why?I do. I find archaeology essential and fascinating. It provides great insight into the ways of life of generations of people before us. It is a fantastic way of experiencing history and understanding how technologies and lifestyles have evolved over the centuries.
- What items would archaeologists associate with our generation?I think that smartphones will be relics of our history. If technology could be preserved and stored in museums, perhaps the science behind QR codes, as many services are now accessible using those. Wireless headphones may also make it to the list.
- Should artifacts be exclusively displayed in museums in countries they originated from?In my opinion, it goes without saying that governments of countries those artifacts belong to should be able to make that call. Historically, too many items were stolen from different nations, and should be returned to them, if they so choose. Perhaps lending artifacts from the countries of origin would be better practice.
- Do you have any collections at home?I do! I have a collection of stamps from around the world. My grandfather got the ball rolling with this collection and I decided to take over. I have friends who are scattered all around the globe, so I keep the stamps on any mail they send me.
- Where can collectors find interesting items to add to their collections?It depends on what they are collecting. If they collect vintage items, they have a pretty good chance at finding their items in antique stores. Some people may be interested in coin collections. I met someone who kept at least one coin from each country he has been to!
Vocabulary for Discussion 11
- Insight = deep understanding
- it goes without saying = obviously
- Make that call = (in this case) decide
- got the ball rolling = started the process
- scattered all around the globe = living all round the world