gift ielts speaking part 3

Gift is a follow-up speaking topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 3. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 3 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Gift Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  1. Do you like giving gifts to your friends?
    Yes, I like giving gifts to people, especially if I know that it’s a treat that they may not buy for themselves. I think that’s the secret to buying a good gift. It should be something they’d like but something that is a bit indulgent. There’s nothing wrong with practical gifts though
  2. Do you think parents buy their children a lot of toys nowadays?
    I think that they probably do buy a lot of toys. I had a lot of toys when I was a child so I can’t knock it too much. It’s incredible now the elaborate things you can get children like full size trampolines, slides and see-saws. What I don’t like to see is when a family uses these things a couple of times and then they just leave them outside in the rain to fall to pieces.
  3. Why do some people like to give a certain amount from their earnings to the society?
    I guess that often that it is in connection with a church organisation and all religions have always been connected to charity and so that could be one reason. But you don’t have to be religious because most people see helping others as a good thing to do. I’d like to think that deep down people are altruistic.
  4. What is more satisfying, giving or receiving?
    1. As a psychologist, I know that there has been work done on this questions and for the majority of people, giving is more satisfying. Many people connect giving with happiness and the happiest people are usually the ones who give more than they take. There are some exceptions but when you look at them, these people often have some signs od a personality disorder.
  5. Do you think only rich people can help the society?
    I think that people can be helped better by their peers rather than being given money by the rich. I think the rich should play their part and contribute to a society that has helped make them rich but helping your neighbours and your community is, in my opinion, a better way of helping.

Gift Vocabulary Speaking Part 3 – Discussion 1

  • To Have problems adjusting – Find it difficult to cope/deal with a situation
  • To Get the hang of (sth) – Learn how to do somthing
  • ‘Be’ Keen on – Enjoy. Be enthusiastic about
  • To Make a bit of cash on the side – Make extra money
  • To Offset (Sbs) carbon footprint – Remove the carbon you produce (usually by planting trees)
  • A win/win situation – A situation that whatever happens will always work for you
  • A dwarf variety – A smaller, specially produced version of a tree or plant
  • Can’t knock (sth) – Cannot criticize
  • ‘Be’ Altruistic – Wish to help others/do good
  • Peers – The people in the same social group
  • To play their part – Contribute

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Discussion 2

  1. Do children in your country get money from their parents for doing housework?
    It really depends on the family. Some parents may wish to do so to inculcate
  2. What is your opinion of such practice?
    I think that the idea of introducing children to the value of work and remuneration is good, however I believe the completion of chores should be taught as a basic necessity of life, and not as a task that one does in hope to gain a reward in return.
  3. Do you find it important to teach children to manage their pocket money?
    Absolutely. It is important to not take money for granted, and to know how to use it wisely. I believe that, especially at a young age, it easy to give in to temptation, and buy items that seem irresistible. Managing money are therefore important life skills from a young age.
  4. Is money a common gift in your country?
    It really depends on the individual, but it is not uncommon to get money for special occasions, such as graduations, or as a wedding gift. It is quite common for grandparents to give money on birthdays. I know my grandmother kindly gifts me money every year.

Vocabulary for Discussion 2

  • inculcate = to persistently instil an idea or a habit
  • remuneration = monetary payment for work or service
  • give in to temptation = not be able to resist temptation

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