Problems with the IELTS Writing section? We can help
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an exam intended for non-native English speakers. Its purpose is to find out what your level of English is (your result is a band score from 0 to 9). Usually you need to take the IELTS test if you are applying for a job or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking country or if you are migrating to such country. There are 2 modules of the IELTS test – Academic and General. The Academic Module is for future students and the General Module is for immigrants.
Do you have writing correction service specific for IELTS writing?
Do you have Ielts writing correction service
Yes, you can use this service to send your essays for correction: OET Writing Correction. For further queries, contact our Helpdesk at info@edubenchmark.com.
Do you offer IELTS writing correction service. If yes what is the procedure and what are the charges.
You can use this service to send such tasks checked: OET Writing Correction
My exam next week iwounder if i can join your 1_2week on line coursthanks
Yes, such courses are for classroom training only at our Adelaide campus (0469618750). For online students, these are the preparation services:
OET Writing Correction
OET Reading Practice
Do u provide ielts writing correction service?
Yes, you can use this service: IELTS Writing Correction
Hi I wanted to improve my writing score in IELTS, can you please help me . I failed my IELTS once as I scored in IELTS writing 6 in rest of domains it was above 7 and 8 .
Do you recommend to reappear in IELTS by attending your IELTS writing class or quit it and appear in OET? Your reply would be much appreciated .
If I attend your writing correction how much do you charge and how many essay correction will be done .
Many Thanks
Dr Asmara
Tough luck with IELTS writing! You will find OET relatively easy. Our writing correction will surely help. Please visit this link to buy an OET or IELTS writing correction package:OET Writing Correction
I want to get ielts task 2 essay correction.
you may use this service: Toefl Writing Correction
Iam struggling to get enough score in ielts writing. Is this helpful for me?
Let me know how to subscribe this?
You can use this IELTS Writing Correction service
Respected sir/ madam,
Iam Dr Rajadurai, one of your oet writting and reading student. I found those materials very helpful.
i would like to do ielts general , will u explain me the course details for all 4 modules of ielts general.
Thank you
Hi Rajadurai, You can use this IELTS Writing Feedback service to get your essays corrected
I wanted with assessing my IELTS writing skills (Task 1 & Task), Academic Writing.
Please advise how can I subscribe to getting my essays & reports assessed and feedback.
Use our IELTS Writing Correction service to improve your writing skills.